Big dudes with cat are the ones you gotta watch forI feel bad he walked out by himself though…did anyone ever find out why one of the coaches didn’t go with him?
According to AP Rodney wanted to go out with him, but he declined and wanted to go alone.
Georgia wide receiver Colbie Young, who hasn't played for the Bulldogs since his arrest Oct. 8 on misdemeanor charges of battery and assault on an unborn child, returned to practice Monday after being cleared to do so by the university's Equal Opportunity Office.
Right on que
sec title game and playoffs coming up
Man, I really liked ONL before Saturday but seeing his pissed/sad face in the pics and then seeing him with his cat makes me really feel for him.
I hope he goes 2nd or 3rd round (production and position warrant it), balls out and gets a monster 2nd contract. Dude has quickly become an all-time favorite and has been almost as disruptive overall as Pearce even though he has not gotten the media love. An argument can be made that ONL, along with Josephs, has contributed more against high level competition. Of course, they have both benefitted from all the attention Pearce gets.
I thought about naming it something like "Brown Rabbit" but then I remembered the warning against taking brown acid at Woodstock and thought it might have negative connotations. So then I pondered "Flouresent Green Gerbil" but some people apparently do weird sh*t with gerbils so that ruled that out.
Now I'm thinking of something like "Black Rabbit".
What a dumass, reported stolen property that he had stole to begin with.Used to be that working for, something wad lauded. Now just 'being rich' is lauded. Necks tats, nose with 75 piercings, multiple felonies, hadnt paid taxes in 40 years, declared bankruptcy 42 times, punched a nun in nose. LoL, but they rich!
Not to be rude, but if you have two examples in four years, yes he sucks. Darnell was a 5 star top of the line player he was just young. I'm happy he grew under Ellarbee but he was probably doing that under any OL coach. Cooper development is nice. That's not enough imo. You can sit on your hands with your weakest link and hope it changes or attack it and improve.
I have no idea what this conversation is about, but I assume it's about the Amazon. So what if one of those tiny little fishes swims up your pee hole and causes you immense pain? I would not want one of those little fishies swimming up my pee hole.