Hit the treadmill for a 350 cal burn and trying to find the motivation to whip out the bench... For those that aren't aware...
In April I was at 236 lbs and slightly feeling down after recovering from bruised ribs in my old man soccer league. Decided to get my ass in gear. I'm down to 190 without any shots. Just being more aware of calorie intake and exercising with two goals in mind:
Improve the abysmal mile time of 11:45
Get under 200 lbs
When one plateaued, the other improved. I'm at:
8:20 for a mile
190lbs. New goal is 175 and then the scale won't be a focus.
That's been why I've been absent a lot this year.
I have been a lump of coal for a year. Kinda overwhelmed by work and family issues. Unusual for me but it manifested as just not wanting to do anything. Work, come home and sit on the couch until bedtime. So in addition to being a slug, I also started eating more. I hit 235 from 208 with none of the new weight being good.
Thank goodness for snow skiing as a motivation. I get to go skiing 3 times this year. I did in 2024 as well, but I just went without my normal workout for skiing. I would ski 1/2 day and be done. (Prior years I start when the lifts open and ski until the lifts close). Didn’t enjoy it but didn’t feel like making a change.
Well, I have been working out for a month and I have not felt this good in over a year. Feeling overwhelmed sucks and it just sucks the life out of you. My cadio favorite is rowing. An hour of rowing burns 700-800 calories depending on the resistance setting. I have a spring in my step, none of the insurmountable problems seem as bad.
We go skiing 1/6-1/10 and I can’t wait!
It’s amazing to me how much of a difference a little bit of exercise can make (relatively).
Sometimes the hardest part is getting started and then staying committed for that first week or two. Once the energy level changes, then it gets easier.
I have used Fitbit activity trackers for years, but they are relatively fragile. My latest one bit the dust and I decided to change. I asked for a Whoop fitness tracker for my birthday. I really like the Whoop as it not only helps track calories, steps, and sleep, but it monitors your recovery as well. It suggests more rest or more exercise depending upon your body recovery status. It can help you find the sweet spot for training. It can help prevent overtraining too.
I’m not focused on a weight goal as much as a lower body fat percentage. I will add weight training to my regimen once I finish this first ski trip.
It’s a great day to be alive!
It’s always a great day when you are a Tennessee Volunteer. I forgot that for a while.