Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Lol. The Baseball Writers don’t agree on much, but they are in universal agreement on one thing - that you’re wrong.

And for good reason.

Among Short Stops -
#1 in Hits
#1 in Doubles
#2 in XBH
#1 in Total Bases
#3 in Stolen Bases
#1 in WRC
#4 in RBI
#1 in Runs
#3 in WAR modern era

Who were the “unbelievably talented” guys that Jeter played with?
Rivera was the Hammer of God, but who was playing every day or toeing the slab?
Pettitte, Posada? Tino? Scott Brosius?

Bernie Williams, Tino Martinez, Paul O’Neil, Arod, Giambi, Sheffield, Hideki Matsui, Alfonso Soriano, Robinson Cano, Bobby Abreu, Lance Berkman, Mark Texiera, Curtis Granderson are a few off the top of my head. I’m sure there were a bunch more.
Bernie Williams, Tino Martinez, Paul O’Neil, Arod, Giambi, Sheffield, Hideki Matsui, Alfonso Soriano, Robinson Cano, Bobby Abreu, Lance Berkman, Mark Texiera, Curtis Granderson are a few off the top of my head. I’m sure there were a bunch more.
You forgot Clemens and Andy Pettitte...
Have you fired up your keyboard, @InVOLuntary ?
Do you watch the regular season games? Do you use them to influence your opinion of CRB?
We get limited opportunities to watch our teams each year, why would I not watch reg season games?
I judge them based on things the staff could've done better, and putting the team in a position to win in March.
Bernie Williams, Tino Martinez, Paul O’Neil, Arod, Giambi, Sheffield, Hideki Matsui, Alfonso Soriano, Robinson Cano, Bobby Abreu, Lance Berkman, Mark Texiera, Curtis Granderson are a few off the top of my head. I’m sure there were a bunch more.
Ha so your argument against Jeter is he played with good players over the course of 20 years?

I love Paulie and Bernie and Tino, Posada - the ones that were there with him for the ride. They were great Yankees. But they were Baseball goods, not Baseball greats.

What’s next? We gonna discount Johnny Bench because he played with Joe Morgan, Pete Rose, & Tony Perez? You know… actual HOF’ers.

Derek Jeter is the 2nd greatest SS of the modern era, and the 3rd greatest SS of all time.
The Mid-South Coliseum in the background and the old Metro Basketball Tournament. Saw some good games in there. Keith Lee, Baskerville Homes, Andre Turner, Del Curry, et al.

Also, my first concert was New Edition and Al B Sure, crazy night!
I went to a Jay Z concert there the weekend Tyson fought in Memphis. They have a nice basketball facility in its place now, my son has had a few AAU tournaments in it(that’s if your window isn’t busted when you come out). Memphis was so much better back in the day. Even Penny sucked the life out of UofM basketball
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We were just looking to get maybe 3. Just for eggs to be honest. I have no idea what breeds to get. I mean we want chickens with good temperaments and good layers. If we only get 3, do we need a rooster as well? A friend of mine said you always have to have a rooster.
You don't need a rooster. But if your going to let them free range the benefit of a royster is they'll often protect the flock and take one for the team should there be an attack from a predator.

The drawback is sometimes they decide they are alpha and attack you or most often women or children.

This is easily corrected by confidence and showing them who is boss. It took my wife a while to get the hang of it

If you're just getting a few for eggs I'd make a coop and a decent sized run. You can let them out under supervision for safety.

Rhode Island Reds, Cinnamon Queen, Blue Sapphire and Black Sex Links are all good choices. Avoid straight run of any breed.

My favorite breed are Polish. I lost one just like this a couple of years ago........ Her name was Disco


Good luck with it, they are fun.
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