I have not seen a single stitch of evidence to back up these claims. Other than reddit posters saying 'Back in hagh skoo.'
Unless there is some legal stuff we didnt hear about...which, would be a bigger deal possibly if covered up. So far its 'he had anger issues.'
How many people in this World have anger issues? Not trying to dismiss, or protect someone because they play football.
I trust the NFL to take the claims seriously, and do due diligence in a professional manner. Truth is often somewhere in middle.
You never know someone's struggle, or pain at that time in their life. You never know how it will manifest. People mature at different rates. Is his behavior under control? And I dont mean hurting anyones feelings. Did he break a law or team rules? Did he break any social norms?
Not knowing the full story, hard to form an opinion. Ill just say this, I trust our coaches and DW immensely. At every turn from Randy, to Donde, to DW, to JH. They have shown character, charisma, and exemplified what leadership is, in the right way. And they've never taken a lap. If JPJ behaviour was that repugnant, he would be on a different team.
Lastly, sports to many, provides structure. Routines, exercise, and discipline can create and foster the necessary arena for maturing. Sprinkle in positive reinforcement through coaching, and peer relationships. People can change, for better, if they want too.
Personality wise, do you want an accountant in trenches with you? Or Maximus Meridius?
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Brent and Austin said there's a reason why he never interviewed. That is strange.
Listen, i'm sure those rumors out there have some merit. But truth is usually somewhere in middle. Hope kid proves everyone wrong.