I'm not a nuthugger but am grateful for the job he did here. I don't want him back.
My reaction may* have been lil excessive, because I am sick of Bruce and his continually playing up to Tennessee fans (to egg on the Bruce nut-huggers) and his name dropping Tennessee.
And now he is using Barnes personally as a way to do the same thing. Bruce vainly blathers that Barnes thinks I'm great. Of course Barnes is going to say nice things about Bruce before and after a game. Barnes is a professional.
I won't deny that I amused myself by noticing the ambiguity in Barnes' remarks centering on the fact that Bruce knows
how he wants his team to play and recruits
those kind of guys. Thuggishly and thugs, imo. He does have a really good team. Loved beating Bruce in the tournament.
I was also pissed by the thuggish way Bruce's guys played us in Auburn. And I think Aubie stole the win due to a traveling call on us late when one of Bruce's finest wrapped our guy up and pushed him down the court.
Bruce did have some great moments here. I rooted for him here.
But I think people forget what a
Kiffin-esque train wreck Bruce left us with here.
It took us years to recover. And now like Kiffin, he is obsessed with Tennessee.
If he and his anti-Barnes trolls (Bruce nut-huggers) would STFD and STFU, I think I would feel less antagonist. But I do not want him here. And I don't want him to win anything.