Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Expected a blowout today, but our Vols looked very sharp for a season opener. Nico threw for 300 in one half, which (not trying to knock on Milton) Joe did not have a 300 yard game until Vanderbilt. Quarterback play looks like it has the potential to be exceptional.

Thought Boo showed up a few times as did Josh Josephs. Pili was active as well. There were moments where our tackling wasn’t stellar which isn’t unexpected for an opener. Overall, a lot of good to take away from today’s game. Again, the opponent was inferior, but it’s still hard not to walk away from this game and feel very good about this team.
Can't wait for next week, but a little disappointed it prolly won't be a ranked game any longer.

NC St just had to not look like cheeks for a single game. They couldn't do one job.

For the sake of tv ratings they may want to keep NC St ranked for one more week.

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