Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Australia were big favorites there and are going home empty handed.
I have always rooted for Australia in the Olympics. I always thought of them as high quality opponents.

Not now. One of their women swimmers was badmouthing the USA swimmers. It kinda pissed me off. I watch all of the swimming. Now I am rooting for the USA and then anyone who can put Australia out of a medal. 😡
There was a guy selling 2 season tickets for 2500 on VN. Probably gone now, but I would guess you could attend the game you love and sell the rest to break even. Not everyone may have the income to swing that trade, but partner with a buddy wanting to go to a different game and it gets more manageable.
Hot take. I believe we will be in playoff contention this year, but I expect us to make an all in push for Nico's JR year. Transfer bonanza akin to Ole Miss if we fall short.

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