Recruiting Football Talk VIII

The USS Indianapolis sank on July 30, 1945, after being struck by two Japanese torpedoes at 15 minutes after midnight. The heavy cruiser was on its way from Guam to the Philippines when it was hit, and sank in 12 to 15 minutes. The first torpedo blew off the ship's bow, and the second torpedo hit the midsection near the powder magazine, splitting the ship in two.

The USS Indianapolis was the flagship of Admiral Spruance of the 5th Fleet, and had served with honor from Pearl Harbor through the final campaign of World War II. It had earned ten battle stars, and was commanded by Captain Charles B. McVay III on its final voyage. The ship's mission was to deliver the uranium-235 core and other parts for the atomic bomb to be dropped on Hiroshima to the Army Air Forces on Tinian in the Mariana Islands. After completing its mission, the ship was on its way to Guam to rejoin the American Pacific Fleet for the final push to Japan.

I think Nico has that IT factor that’ll put college football on notice as a freshman sensation. Similar to Tebow, Bryce Young, and Johnny Football.

He will be a household name, especially with the numbers he will put up in Heupel’s offense. The sky is the limit with him.
Y’all need to stop, I’m over here desperately trying to temper my expectations.😎🧡
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Rusty and Audrey aged so good between the original and Vegas Vacation. Some Benjamin Button vibes
I have always rooted for Australia in the Olympics. I always thought of them as high quality opponents.

Not now. One of their women swimmers was badmouthing the USA swimmers. It kinda pissed me off. I watch all of the swimming. Now I am rooting for the USA and then anyone who can put Australia out of a medal. 😡
I mostly only cheer for the USA.
what's the most that you've paid for a ticket(s)? what's the most that you would pay for a ticket?
I paid $400 for a Florida ticket Peyton's senior year. Inflation calculator tells me that's $785 today. Seemed irresponsible and fanatical but mandatory at the time. I almost hate even recalling that. Bad day in the rain.

Looks like that's nothing compared to this year's Bama prices.
2 Countries that probably shouldn't have won Medal in Rugby took home the Silver and the Bronze.

Canada won the Silver
USA the Bronze.

New Zealand Women needs tested for PED's some of those women scare me..
Did any of the NZ "All Blacks" (dark mode) play in the mens? They love that team.
It's $450 a year according to the season ticket map... so face value would be about $65 a ticket (7 home games total).

Now depending on seat location there is a varied donation requirement for season tickets...which ranges from $50 up to $2050 for non premium seats.

so really the only way you'd be paying north of $100 for individual tickets in the non premium section is if the ticket holder is raising the prices to help cover their donation.
For all practical purpose, the donation is part of the ticket price.
This highlights one huge issue with most services available in the US, administration often adds cost without quality.
I think one thing is does for UT is track the career of each ticket (sales and prices). At least in baseball it was said that UT was looking at prime seats that stayed empty most of the time, and also ticket holders who may have resold at a big margin most of the time.

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