Good question, but no. My stomach feels great, since I'm pretty used to fasting at this point. When I wasn't experienced with fasting, I was not wise with my food choices, and I would eat too much, too fast, and the wrong kinds of foods. Too much fiber and protein will keep you running to the bathroom.
The trick is to break your fast with a couple of light foods, staying away from fiber and carbohydrates. My go-to is bone broth, parmesan cheese, and a tablespoon of MCT oil. When you're body is fasting, your metabolic system is very sensitive. Carbohydrates will spike your insulin, so save the carbs for a larger meal 20 or 30 minutes after you break the fast. Probiotics have also been very helpful in keeping me regular. I drink kombucha tea often, but others find that probiotic yogurts are helpful. Gut health is often neglected, but it's incredibly important to your overall wellness.