Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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What’s his strengths and what do you think he will contribute to here as far as his title goes?..👀
Another top RPO mind and a helluva recruiter. Star rose too fast and he needs to even out emotionally imo. Another take would be that Brian Kelly isn’t a peach to work for and when the season needs a scapegoat, he ain’t shy at aiming the guns away from him. Similar to Johnny Majors in that aspect.
I had a scare about 4 AM this morning. About 10 PM I got hit all the sudden with that stomach virus that has those violent cramps that literally hurt so bad you can pass out. After getting up and down all night my last time was a dozy. I was walking back to the bed and I told my wife that I am going to pass out. Well I did and fell face forward into our hardwood floor. My wife said I was out for about a min. I had the biggest and deepest almost to the bone gash in my left eyebrow. They called the ambulance was sent to ER. I have 5 stitches, a deeply bruised rib cage and a deeply bruised elbow. I fell flat on my face. No bracing. My eye is swollen and very painful. My head hurts from the fall. I feel I been in a car wreck I am so sore all over.
Bro that's scary stuff. Is your stomach ok too?
Just in a lot of pain and that virus is still hanging on. But I'll be fine in a couple of days.
Catching up and reading what happened to you. Good to hear you survived without a more serious injury. Hope you get back to 100% soon.

Reminds me of an incident I experienced about 25 years ago. I got up in the middle of the night to take a pee and in my half asleep state, I tripped over a lamp cord and went face-first into our tall footboard of our bed. I got up and made my way to the bathroom, finished and then returned to bed. When morning came, my wife got up first and proceeded to wake me up and tell me my pillowcase was covered in blood. She asked if I was okay and I replied that I thought I was since I really didn't feel much pain. I went back to the bathroom and took a leak and then proceeded to brush my teeth. Lo and behold, when I filled my mouth with water to rinse, the water was squirting out a hole in my chin! I had apparently drove my lower teeth through my chin when I struck the footboard. She took me to the er and I came home with 4 stitches.
But when are we gonna pay Pruitt ??? Bass? AV?
Need lock him up and not let Mizzou football coach make more than ours ? When ?

Feel very comfortable above, Coach Fulmer indicates administration and athletics are singing from the same song sheet.

This will happen at the right time.
He'll probably be called an "Offensive Analyst" and will likely have a lot of the same duties that Steve Sarkisian had at Alabama in 2016 when was an "Offensive Analyst".

...assuming you read the previous sentence I was asking what he would be doing here regarding his title..tampering and tweaking the offense or shifting players around in different packages (etc. etc.) moral of the question will he be amplifying our offense with chaney
..assuming you read the previous sentence I was asking what he would be doing here regarding his title..tampering and tweaking the offense or shifting players around in different packages (etc. etc.) moral of the question will he be amplifying our offense with chaney

WTF is this? Definitely escalated quickly. What is it about his response that you feel warranted that response?

Maybe you should relax.
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