Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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My wife and I are having quite the movie marathon. Have watched Gladiator, Braveheart, and Shawshank Redemption over the last 3 days. Might watch The Godfather tonight. She’s never seen any of these movies. What other classics should we watch?

Maybe not all "classics," but looking through some of our movies I love, V for Vendetta, Boondock Saints, Fightclub, Requiem for a Dream, Jacob's Ladder, Deja Vu, Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
yeah, it's been known GM is i think already producing ventilators, now Ford, Tesla had jumped in as well, and Apple is donating masks....i'm sure they won't be the only ones that wind up participating in some way/shape/form. if capacity for beds does become as big a problem as it could, then i'd imagine you'd see the national guard/military used to help set up temporary locations for treatment/ICU.

it's a hard thing to manage. everything about inventory control says you should only keep on hand what you WILL use in a given time frame, based on lead times and some other factors, so it's understandable why anyone would decline "extra" inventory, for the sole purpose of having extra. this type of product, while critical, represents only cost. they have to be replaced regularly, and will never generate an penny of revenue. it's literally dollars on shelves.

presently, it looks foolish now to hear stories of anyone having turned down some of these supplies however many years ago....but i would imagine that if these officials would have spent taxpayer money on that extra inventory, there'd of been criticism of that as well. for the private hospitals and other medical industry private service providers, as mentioned earlier, many of these items are purchased and stored based on current use rates, relative lead times and costs/unit, and many are considered "overhead", and they're trying to keep those costs as consitstently stable as possible....and i doubt their respective boards of trustees would be approving large capital expenditures for the sole purpose of creating inventory.....when your goal is to keep inventory levels as low as possible and still meet the demand for use. i would imagine that many products have been moved to a JIT cycle to reduce inventory even more....if not eliminate it all together.

this virus is a ginormous exception to the rule....and i don't see how anyone could plan for something like this, so while im really frustrated my wife is having to re-use her 1 mask, and still has no face sheild or goggles, i understand how/why we got here....and it's not really anyone's fault, from a supply standpoint. even if there were "emergency" inventory, i would bet that it would fall short, probably by a wide margin still, of what is need RIGHT NOW across the country.

this is an opportunity for Amercian manufacturing to to step up and perform. it's happened in the past when called upon, and i'm sure it will again, and soon, we'll see these supplies going out....

this should be a very active week all the way around.....
Uhhmm...I have been reading that a global respiratory illness pandemic was going to happen at some point for years, so this was not that surprisingto me...and ventilators do not have to be replaced regularly if not used. They just sit there waiting..

I bet after this, that everybody stocks up, or should be required to stock up on these things just in least one good lesson learned.
My wife and I are having quite the movie marathon. Have watched Gladiator, Braveheart, and Shawshank Redemption over the last 3 days. Might watch The Godfather tonight. She’s never seen any of these movies. What other classics should we watch?
Deep Throat starring Linda Lovelace....groundbreaking film.
For you baseball junkies, MLB.COM is streaming every game from the last two seasons for free. Not sure if it includes postseason.
I have a question to the Docs in the house. I live alone and its at the lake so social distancing hasn't been a problem. My question is, do I still need to wash my hands continually since I am alone? I initially wiped all the surfaces I could get to with Lysol wipes and have been using hand sanitizer as well as washing hands just not sure if I need to continue w hand washing often?
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Maybe not all "classics," but looking through some of our movies I love, V for Vendetta, Boondock Saints, Fightclub, Requiem for a Dream, Jacob's Ladder, Deja Vu, Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Of these I’ve seen Vandetta, Fightclub, Monty Python
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