Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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Guys, watch this Tiger King doc on Netflix. This about as wild a subject as I’ve seen.
That show is crazy. Rednecks are everywhere. But I have to say, this is the first time I've ever seen redneck homosexuals. That tiger guy's husband looks like a meth addict living in a trailer in Alabama. They're out there shooting automatic weapons and living like rednecks, but they're gay. I've never seen that before lol
Long Island, so the city is partially on the island. Not sure but I’m pretty sure it’s one of the most densely populated places in the US.

We are talking high precautions. Taking clothes off in the garage, shower immediately, only leave for groceries, etc. My mother in-law who we live with is high risk.
Prayers and good vibes. Stay safe, Brother.
Just started that this morning, have a feeling that my whole day is now booked haha
I am 3 episodes deep and it's hard to believe it's real life.
That show is crazy. Rednecks are everywhere. But I have to say, this is the first time I've ever seen redneck homosexuals. That tiger guy's husband looks like a meth addict living in a trailer in Alabama. They're out there shooting automatic weapons and living like rednecks, but they're gay. I've never seen that before lol
Believe me, it gets crazier by the episode. I don’t know how but it does.
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Not a doctor, but I read a study saying how takeout was safe because any virus particles that may be left on your food would be killed by your stomach acid. So, in line with that thinking, the virus shouldn't be able to enter your body by unwashed hands to your mouth. Plus, the virus can't live on hands for more than 10 mins or so. I think if you aren't in a position to breathe in the particles, you should be fine.
What about the food containers? I wiped down the hell out of those pizza boxes!
That show is crazy. Rednecks are everywhere. But I have to say, this is the first time I've ever seen redneck homosexuals. That tiger guy's husband looks like a meth addict living in a trailer in Alabama. They're out there shooting automatic weapons and living like rednecks, but they're gay. I've never seen that before lol
Not sure if still true, but in the early 2000s Johnson City had the highest per capita gay pop in America. I think just gay (men), not including lesbians. Rednecks just hide it better 😁
I watched the entire series a few months back. I had never seen the originals and always figured they wouldn't be all that good. Had no idea they were 98 or 99% on RT. Boy, was I wrong.

My experience with RT is that it’s not that useful for gauging the quality of new/recent films, but a very useful guide for older films. And that’s to be expected; most films undergo critical reexamination as they age.

For example, you wouldn’t believe how bad the reviews were for The Shining at the time of its release. Now it’s widely recognized as a masterpiece.
Check back in a week. At this fast rate hospitals will be overwhelmed

Shelter in place orders will have a lag...maybe 7-10 eventually that *should* slow down. If the doubling stays at the current rate much longer, it will get ugly.
That show is crazy. Rednecks are everywhere. But I have to say, this is the first time I've ever seen redneck homosexuals. That tiger guy's husband looks like a meth addict living in a trailer in Alabama. They're out there shooting automatic weapons and living like rednecks, but they're gay. I've never seen that before lol

There was a group of gay 2nd Amendment supporters at the 2A Rally in Richmond a few weeks ago.
My wife and I are having quite the movie marathon. Have watched Gladiator, Braveheart, and Shawshank Redemption over the last 3 days. Might watch The Godfather tonight. She’s never seen any of these movies. What other classics should we watch?
A Perfect World
Les Miserables (Liam Neeson)
The War

For some classic late 90’s cinema, which was the best, IMO
I watched the entire series a few months back. I had never seen the originals and always figured they wouldn't be all that good. Had no idea they were 98 or 99% on RT. Boy, was I wrong.

Did you include the alien vs. predator stuff?

The first two (Alien and Aliens) are masterpieces in their respective genres in my opinion.
I watched the entire series a few months back. I had never seen the originals and always figured they wouldn't be all that good. Had no idea they were 98 or 99% on RT. Boy, was I wrong.
Some of my favorite movies of all time. For it’s time, the best special & practical effects you could come by. I love that they didn’t tell the cast what was about to happen with the chest burster scene and it garnered some awesomely real reactions. So much awesome.
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