Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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@chargervol, How is your health?
Same track. Slow and steady improvement. Fever tops around 100 - 101. Longer breaks between body aches. A few sneezing episodes now, that's new :/

Son's cough (day 11) is finally slowing in frequency also. That's been my main focus. And thank you again👍
WV goes on shutdown this eve at 8. Luckily, liquor, beer and wine locations are deemed essential! Lmao!
We are just facing an exodus of employees that do not want to work, but still get paid while sitting at home. 🤦‍♂️

liquor stores were deemed essential here in louisiana, too. i thought that was a joke!
Did she have a financial advisor? Did she still have a lot of her money tied up in equities? She should have had most of her money in bonds since she is close to retirement. They are down a little, too, but nothing to the extreme that equities are.

Good point to make, bud. You stay in the equities markets and ride the trends until you get within sight of retirement. For some that is a year, for others it may be 5 years depending upon appetite for risk. When you get to that point you move to bonds/money market rates to insure the nest egg you planned for is there. If the markets still look good and you can digest a little more risk, you move to growth/income (dividend) oriented funds that have some ability to take advantage of stock value appreciation .

For those retiring with current conditions, you postpone retirement or leave your funds untapped in the 401k with no changes. As soon as COVID-19 has passed and the economy is firing up again the markets are going up like a rocket ship. Looks like large parts of the country are going to get the green light to get back to work by mid-April.

Trump knows more than we do. Whether you like him or not is not relevant. He told us weeks, not months, and that the economy would be back on the burner. He told us he believes the treatments will work and that the hot spots would receive whatever they needed. Even the liberal governors in the hot spot states have acknowledged that Trump is giving them all they have requested quickly. You can choose to not believe that or accept it. Your choice will not change what is going to happen.

FWIW the study that predicted 2 M American deaths was coded 13 years ago. The same cat also did the same type thing on the swine flu and missed it in a similar fashion as he will this. It totally swings and misses on the knowledge base of current treatments and future vaccinations along with some of its numerical assumptions.

Let's get this thing over with and get back to sports again.
Did she have a financial advisor? Did she still have a lot of her money tied up in equities? She should have had most of her money in bonds since she is close to retirement. They are down a little, too, but nothing to the extreme that equities are.

i don't know the make-up of her portfolio, but i'm sure you're right, and that's encouraging. part of it is JPM stock, though, so I'm sure they'll advise her to wait to touch it.
Worked for a home medical equipment provider several years ago where I did the purchasing of equipment and supplies. Had a tall, middle-aged man come in one day with a script for a penis vacuum pump. I explained to him that that item was not stocked but I could order and he would have to pay total cost since his insurance would not pay. I showed him a few options from my catalogs and he had me order him a pretty expensive high end one. Here is where it starts to get funny. I had to get his full name and address etc for shipping purposes. Name was Richard N. Hand. He was a farmer up in the Westmoreland area and primarily raised sheep and goats. Fast forward about three weeks and he came back in to see me to order him a 2nd exact model. I asked him if the 1st one wasn't working or what the issue was. He told me it was working great and he just wanted a 2nd one to keep in the shed on the back of his farm! I kid you not!

Parents can be mean. My dad worked with a guy named Richard Eaton. They were boilermakers and had to wear hard hats. Everyone's hard hat had their nickname + last name. Dick Eaton.
Same track. Slow and steady improvement. Fever tops around 100 - 101. Longer breaks between body aches. A few sneezing episodes now, that's new :/

Son's cough (day 11) is finally slowing in frequency also. That's been my main focus. And thank you again👍
Glad to hear you’re still with us and holding steady. Hang in there, brother!
Trump knows more than we do. Whether you like him or not is not relevant. He told us weeks, not months, and that the economy would be back on the burner. He told us he believes the treatments will work and that the hot spots would receive whatever they needed. Even the liberal governors in the hot spot states have acknowledged that Trump is giving them all they have requested quickly. You can choose to not believe that or accept it. Your choice will not change what is going to happen.

FWIW the study that predicted 2 M American deaths was coded 13 years ago. The same cat also did the same type thing on the swine flu and missed it in a similar fashion as he will this. It totally swings and misses on the knowledge base of current treatments and future vaccinations along with some of its numerical assumptions.

I haven't seen any actual economists, much less public health officials, being optimistic about weeks vs months. I would be very interested in reading what they have to say, though, if you've got links.

Also curious to read where govs are giving trump praise? last i saw he basically told them they were on their own to source medical supplies.

the study predicting up to 2m deaths was made by 4 epidemiologists currently in the CDC, but im interested to read up on the guy you're talking about.
Me every time I get yet another email from a company I don't really care about giving me their status during a crisis I wish would just go away...


At this point, who cares? We all know what's up. It's just like a me-too game now. If I want to find out information about your company, I'll go to your website or call.

Trump knows more than we do. Whether you like him or not is not relevant. He told us weeks, not months, and that the economy would be back on the burner. He told us he believes the treatments will work and that the hot spots would receive whatever they needed. Even the liberal governors in the hot spot states have acknowledged that Trump is giving them all they have requested quickly. You can choose to not believe that or accept it. Your choice will not change what is going to happen.

FWIW the study that predicted 2 M American deaths was coded 13 years ago.

Let's get this thing over with and get back to sports again

This. All of this. I was trying to stay away from politics because I believe it has no place here, but all these statements are valid. We all need to stick together, work together as best we possibly can & get life moving again. Remember the decade of the Vols can’t be our decade without us! 🍊👊
I haven't seen any actual economists, much less public health officials, being optimistic about weeks vs months. I would be very interested in reading what they have to say, though, if you've got links.

Also curious to read where govs are giving trump praise? last i saw he basically told them they were on their own to source medical supplies.

the study predicting up to 2m deaths was made by 4 epidemiologists currently in the CDC, but im interested to read up on the guy you're talking about.
Every day during NY Gov. Cuomo's pc's he mentions his daily conversations with the president and praises him constantly for all the assistance and help they are getting from the federal govt.
Disagree wholeheartedly with this statement. One should not get into Healthcare unless you have a passion for helping people... Much like teaching.

Outside of that, there is nothing wrong with being a truck driver or store clerk, but I wouldn't call them covetable careers.
Disagree wholeheartedly with this statement (lol). Seriously though. We need more doctors and nurses. If I were going to do what I was most passionate about I’d sit around playing guitar all day and never leave my house. Not everyone needs to be a doctor, but those who are capable should really consider it more seriously. I have a lot of respect for the field, school work has always come easy for me, and I want to do something that I feel can get my life meaning. I care about helping people, but the most cliche line of every med school interview is “I really just want to help people.” I want to be a doctor because it is challenging, but rewarding, and because I have seen first hand the sort of life it can provide for the future family I hope to have.

To put it more plainly - I don’t believe altruism is necessary for going into the medical field. A selfish pride in one’s work and a humble respect for the field can bring the same high quality results.
Me every time I get yet another email from a company I don't really care about giving me their status during a crisis I wish would just go away...


At this point, who cares? We all know what's up. It's just like a me-too game now. If I want to find out information about your company, I'll go to your website or call.


I got a COVID-19 update email from my oil change place! Ridiculous. They're all boiler plate stuff. "Dear valued customer, as you know, COVID-19 blah blah blah, we're dedicated to providing the highest quality customer service, blah blah blah"
Worked for a home medical equipment provider several years ago where I did the purchasing of equipment and supplies. Had a tall, middle-aged man come in one day with a script for a penis vacuum pump. I explained to him that that item was not stocked but I could order and he would have to pay total cost since his insurance would not pay. I showed him a few options from my catalogs and he had me order him a pretty expensive high end one. Here is where it starts to get funny. I had to get his full name and address etc for shipping purposes. Name was Richard N. Hand. He was a farmer up in the Westmoreland area and primarily raised sheep and goats. Fast forward about three weeks and he came back in to see me to order him a 2nd exact model. I asked him if the 1st one wasn't working or what the issue was. He told me it was working great and he just wanted a 2nd one to keep in the shed on the back of his farm! I kid you not!
*hippa investigator enters the chat*
I'll bet you with all the social distancing stuff going on all over the world that there has been a huge spike in sales for stores like Hustler, Miranda's, and online retailors like Adam & Eve, etc!
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