More info for
@Freak is
@Catbone really isn't a Georgia fan.
Sometimes people call
@drvenner "Byron." That one lost me for awhile.
@Atlanta VOL is legit. Only a@#$holes question that. Eventually you'll figure out the history related to the board as to why that's been confirmed. Repeatedly.
@Ron Swanson basically brings all of the info from TOS, so don't bother with subscriptions.
We are pretty good about rallying around folks who need support. Crushed some gofundme's. I'm not tagging the recipients. They know who they are, and we appreciate the updates, good or bad. We're here for it. And discussion about bbq, the 'rona, and whatever else gets us from spring practice to kickoff in the fall.
Oh, and
@Bassmaster_Vol and
@Big Gucci Sosa had a podcast for minute. That was fun.
And finally, bookmark this tweet. It may seem random, but I promise you it'll come in handy one day.