Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Herman is also a safe hire. No risk like with Freeze. He's an offensive coach. He knows how to score points. He can recruit. He has major head coaching experience. While he didn't win a championship, he did really well at Texas. Maybe he learned enough there to improve and really take us somewhere here. I'm all in. Even though it isn't going to happen.
Hire him now. Can probably get him pretty cheap too.
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This place is more bipolar than a nuthouse. Maybe that’s why I like it so much. 🤷‍♂️

Does this news mean that coaching search season is back in full swing?

I’ll go on and say it, if/when we make another hire, our floor should be at the caliber of Herman, and nothing less.
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These are the questions, aren't they? He has a lot of changes to make if he wants to take this team to the next level. I doubt he will. But it isn't impossible. If Salter is Fields good then this offense can take off.
I worry about what he is going to promise a transfer QB and can that transfer QB pick up Chaney's quadratic formula offense.
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