Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Herman is also a safe hire. No risk like with Freeze. He's an offensive coach. He knows how to score points. He can recruit. He has major head coaching experience. While he didn't win a championship, he did really well at Texas. Maybe he learned enough there to improve and really take us somewhere here. I'm all in. Even though it isn't going to happen.
It’s a future option. Even better if he sits a year.
Herman is also a safe hire. No risk like with Freeze. He's an offensive coach. He knows how to score points. He can recruit. He has major head coaching experience. While he didn't win a championship, he did really well at Texas. Maybe he learned enough there to improve and really take us somewhere here. I'm all in. Even though it isn't going to happen.

I think Herman is overrated. But I’d take him here. Although he seems just as prickly around the edges as Pruitt
Texas’ endowment and booster backing is ridiculous. They didn’t have to think twice in firing Herman, as far as financial considerations are concerned.
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Something to ponder this week. Since the Clemson OC had Covid and all their players played in the bowl game, what are the chances of more positive Covid tests coming from players on both teams?

Clemson didn't have any players miss the game due to contact tracing
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What little hope I had built up, is squandered again seeing another major upgrade available that we won't hire

Redemption stories are the best kind. If you've never hit bottom only to rise again when you get things right - you will never understand. That's Texas and Sark's opportunity. Could have been ours as well as with Freeze. So now there is Herman. The lifeboats and helicopters keeping going by asking if we want to jump on board and avoid disaster...
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