Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Take a lap copy cat.

I’m betting the offer is on the table for our #1 (maybe Campbell), and he was given the weekend to mull it over. This would tie in with no travel plans until Monday/Tuesday. I don’t think anyone travels unless it’s to get a signature anyhow.
Guys, we got a bigtime AD in Danny White and I'm very excited and I trust him to make a good hire as our football coach. With me living in Central Florida, I can't express how much he did for UCF and creating excitement around the program both in football and basketball and even baseball with great hires in each sport. 10 years ago nobody even cared about UCF as it was only the big 3 in Florida UF, FSU and Miami but he changed that with coming on board and every hire he has made he didn't miss on and UCF started winning in every sport. I would even venture out to say right now UCF can complete in football, basketball and baseball against the big 3 in Florida and none of the big 3 want to play UCF trust me. Just my $0.02 cents worth!
Day shift checking in. Just caught up lol. Damn night shift put in some work....what I read though sounded like two homeless people fighting over a s*it sandwhich.

Don’t worry day shift will clean this up.
In my experience, night shift does most of the work but day shift gets all the credit.

Now...what'd I miss while I was sleeping, rednecks?
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