Media : Vols fans are toxic
Vols fans: no we are not azz hole
Media: White is running a very professional search, no leaks which is a good thing and means he is running the show the way it should be without the previous clown shows
Vols fans because they can’t get real info: OMG DW is a fraud for me not getting legitimate infoZ why aren’t people talking why aren’t they public turning us down to make a mockery of us?
Truly amazing. I don’t care who we end up with. He ran this search really well and has the right circle around him that doesn’t leak things. You may get info but not from his team and his circle until he wants you to have it.
If we had been turned down so much it would be publicly out there. These coaches love to claim they turned down TN and TN wanted them. They ain’t because they can’t.