So on a lesser note, a boy that took my daughter to homecoming a few years ago decided that he would say some mean things about my daughter on social media. My daughter came home in tears. I came home from work as my wife is talking to the boy’s mother and getting no where. While my daughter is showing me the social media rudeness, my wife looks at me getting riled up.
She asks to speak to the boy’s dad. Dude gets on the phone with my wife. I hear her say that she is the only thing standing between me and the dad. That the boy has 60 minutes to erase everything from social media and post an acceptable apology or my wife will walk away and let me handle it. I had met son and dad and let’s just say that they were “petite.” As I was walking over to my wife, I heard him say “what’s he going to do? Call the police?” My wife’s response “ My husband is from Memphis Tennessee. They never call the police. He will handle this issue personally.”
Everything was taken care of...