SweetasSoda said:
I was thinking as I read through this that I feel like McGill....hate the insane world we live in.
Wait. Since I feel this way, does that make me a McGill?
Sorry you all are feeling that way this morning (or last night). I LOVE this insane world we live in.
God made it for you and me to enjoy the journey we are on. I think the best thing we can do is try to make it a comfortable trip for our fellow travelers.
CNN will tell you the world is going to hell because of XYZ. Switch to Fox News and they will tell you the world is going to hell because of 1,2,3.
Come join me in the turkey woods this time of year right as dawn breaks and the sun lights up the redbuds and dogwoods and the birds break into song; or on a trout stream when the bugs are hatching and the stream side moss and ferns are so many shades of green you are not sure there’s even a human word to describe the variety.
This world is only as ugly as the stuff you choose to focus and dwell on and stew about.
If you ever have the epiphany like the great Thomas Merton that God exists fully in every person you meet (no matter how messy they may outwardly appear) you will be overcome by how wonderful and exciting this world is and how amazing it is just to meet new people, new and unique iterations of God.
Also, Go Vols!