Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Ok Volnation, I am asking for prayers for my wife. She just found out today that she has breast cancer and this type of cancer is non invasive and its not the type that will take her life. That is the good news , Monday she goes for more testing and MRI to see how much is in the tissue. Her Dr says that depending on how much is in the tissue that she may be able to remove that part of the cancer and the worst case scenario is removing the breast. So just asking for prayers , we know God is in control and he will see her through this.
Mannnnnn. My mom had breast cancer.
Ok Volnation, I am asking for prayers for my wife. She just found out today that she has breast cancer and this type of cancer is non invasive and its not the type that will take her life. That is the good news , Monday she goes for more testing and MRI to see how much is in the tissue. Her Dr says that depending on how much is in the tissue that she may be able to remove that part of the cancer and the worst case scenario is removing the breast. So just asking for prayers , we know God is in control and he will see her through this.
Prayers. Hate that you and yours is in this club. Worst case ISN’T removing the breast fwiw. Lots to rejoice in with that doctors prognosis.
Cancer sucks. My mom is just finishing up radiation treatments. She had her cancer removed surgically, but they prescribed radiation just to be safe. Now she's also dealing with COVID, but seems to be getting better. We've had a rough few months.

Prayers to those who need it. I hate cancer. It's taken far too many. Hold tight to those you love.
She beat it but she passed away last year from a degenerative heart valve . Be strong with your wife brother. 🙏🏾
hate to hear that. Sounds like my mom , she had stroke after stroke and we thought sooner or later that it would take her out but she got up out of bed and lost her balance and fell and hit the side of her head and it caused her brain to bleed and that what got her. I will be strong for my wife and take care of her. Seems like the hits keeps coming for her, she was in a accident on her 2nd tour in Iraq and that seemed like that started all her health problems but shes a strong woman and I got her back.
Cancer sucks. My mom is just finishing up radiation treatments. She had her cancer removed surgically, but they prescribed radiation just to be safe. Now she's also dealing with COVID, but seems to be getting better. We've had a rough few months.

Prayers to those who need it. I hate cancer. It's taken far too many. Hold tight to those you love.
Prayers for your mom for a complete healing. Cancer has taken out most of my family in one form or another. I lost my mom in 2013 ,not from cancer and in 2015 lung cancer took out my dad.
Prayers for your mom for a complete healing. Cancer has taken out most of my family in one form or another. I lost my mom in 2013 ,not from cancer and in 2015 lung cancer took out my dad.
Lost my dad to liver cancer in 2016. Lost grandparents, aunts, and uncles to other forms. It really is just a horrible disease. Always hurts my heart to hear about people fighting it.
In real life, I try not to be a negative person. I know sometimes I can be a little doom and gloom, but these last few years have really worn me down. I keep looking to bounce back up, but it feels like the waves just keep pushing me under. I need some kind of return to normal. Or maybe normal is just no longer normal. I don't know. I just know life seems so out of sorts, and the connections I once had just seem to be fading. It doesn't feel good.
In real life, I try not to be a negative person. I know sometimes I can be a little doom and gloom, but these last few years have really worn me down. I keep looking to bounce back up, but it feels like the waves just keep pushing me under. I need some kind of return to normal. Or maybe normal is just no longer normal. I don't know. I just know life seems so out of sorts, and the connections I once had just seem to be fading. It doesn't feel good.
Praying for you. I try to stay positive and sometimes its hard but we will get back to being normal, just not for sure what is going to have to happen for us to get back to normal.
In real life, I try not to be a negative person. I know sometimes I can be a little doom and gloom, but these last few years have really worn me down. I keep looking to bounce back up, but it feels like the waves just keep pushing me under. I need some kind of return to normal. Or maybe normal is just no longer normal. I don't know. I just know life seems so out of sorts, and the connections I once had just seem to be fading. It doesn't feel good.

It’s kind of hard to really comment not knowing your circumstances and a lot of times when we offer advice to others it may not be the best advice for that person.

I have a story, and that’s all it is, but a very long time ago I discovered the secret for me to avoid negativity. It’s sounds a bit corny I suppose, at least to some people, but the road to positive thinking, I think, begins with counting one’s blessings, as it were. I can’t tell you how powerful that has been in my life from a disposition standpoint.

I figured my attitude was going to be shaped mostly by what I focused on. If I focused on the things I was thankful for I’d have a positive attitude. Ancient wisdom tells us that where our treasure is there will be our hearts also. I learned that as a kid but maybe didn’t understand it that much back then.

If I was to write into a post all the things that I am thankful for over the course of my life I would get banned from this forum because the post would cover multiple pages.

Everybody has ups and downs and setbacks in various areas of their life from time to time. I’ve not been immune but once I figured out what was truly important to me, adversity and unpleasantness just didn’t seem to bother me all that much anymore. I’d get over and past things pretty quick.

Somewhere along in the early 1980’s I fell in love with this passage from the Bible. I’m not a Bible thumper but I think there’s a lot of wisdom and some amazing characters in the stories across its pages. This passage is one of the most positive passages to me in the whole book. I think it’s incredible and it speaks to the spirit of the writer that he was still in those days under very adverse circumstances looking to help others.

For it seems to me that God has put us apostles on display at the end of the procession, like those condemned to die in the arena. We have been made a spectacle to the whole universe, to angels as well as to men. We are fools for Christ, but you are so wise in Christ! We are weak, but you are strong! You are honored, we are dishonored! To this very hour we go hungry and thirsty, we are in rags, we are brutally treated, we are homeless. We work hard with our own hands. When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it; when we are slandered, we answer kindly. We have become the scum of the earth, the refuse of the world—right up to this moment.

One day when I went home from work for lunch I saw an old man standing on the side of the road at an intersection. He looked to be hitch hiking. He was a really old guy. At the time, summer of 1982, I was working on a project just across the Kentucky border in southern Ohio. My Dad had passed away about 3 months earlier, the single biggest emotional trauma of my life, still to this day.

When I headed back to work after lunch the old man was still there. It was very hot outside.

After work was done for the day I headed back to where I was staying and as I came to the intersection that old man was still standing there. I did a U-turn and went back and pulled up alongside him. I asked him if he needed a ride somewhere. He said he had been down in Kentucky to visit his daughter’s family and was trying to get back to Chillicothe to pick up his social security check. I actually didn’t know where that was so I asked him if he knew the way. It turns out it’s about an hour and a half from where we were, around 80 miles one-way. I told him I could give him a ride so off we went. I was going to work 3 hours overtime this day.

I got him to Chillicothe and settled at a motel and made sure he had money for food until he could pick up his check the next day and then I headed back down to Aberdeen. I can still remember that drive. The country side was so amazingly beautiful, just rich in color and life and the evening sun gave everything an almost heavenly glow. I’d never noticed that before. I think I made more for those 3 hours of overtime that evening than I earned for all the rest of the thousands of hours of overtime I worked throughout the rest of my entire career.

Anyway, I hope you get to feeling better.
That’s exactly how I felt when Christ appears to Mary for the first time. It shook me. Totally unexpected (in a weird way lol) and flawlessly written and executed. Chills thinking about it.
When all u see is a hand suddenly appear on hers and hear ... "That's not for you"

The chills ran down my spine

Additionally that one episode where Yeshua says "Too Soon?" I about spit my coffee out laughing
Ok Volnation, I am asking for prayers for my wife. She just found out today that she has breast cancer and this type of cancer is non invasive and its not the type that will take her life. That is the good news , Monday she goes for more testing and MRI to see how much is in the tissue. Her Dr says that depending on how much is in the tissue that she may be able to remove that part of the cancer and the worst case scenario is removing the breast. So just asking for prayers , we know God is in control and he will see her through this.
Been there with my wife. God and you will get her through this. Help her with everything you can. Nothing is too small.
Ok Volnation, I am asking for prayers for my wife. She just found out today that she has breast cancer and this type of cancer is non invasive and its not the type that will take her life. That is the good news , Monday she goes for more testing and MRI to see how much is in the tissue. Her Dr says that depending on how much is in the tissue that she may be able to remove that part of the cancer and the worst case scenario is removing the breast. So just asking for prayers , we know God is in control and he will see her through this.
Prayers Sent
With a new system it will take time. To be honest I haven't watched many of the videos of practice but I think they have a plan and are kinda doing plug and play right now with no real number 1, 2 or 3 and just seeing how they each react. Some thrive under pressure and some don't and by each getting a shot then a demotion it can tell them a lot about how they will react going forward.

This is one of the best interpretations of practice reviews so far. No panic, no drama, well thought out and reasonable.

Legion of the Miserable will not understand this post at all...😂
With all this political uproar how long will it be before either the NCAA ,SEC, Sponsors or a Major Network crosses the line and goes too far with the cancel culture that we are seeing. Bowl games are a huge draw for TV dollars and with the MLB All Star game being moved what happens to the SEC Championship. What about other bowls in other states that pass laws that the sponsors, Universities and media don't agree with? How long before customers and fans start a backlash of their own, then who wins ? The sadly funny part is when the money stops flowing then the big businesses that are acting like they care now will become silent, it's all about the dollar and nothing more. I wish we could all just get along, simple but hard at the same time I know but I guess if we expect more from each other we just may get it.

Hey, tell your docs that whatever the current skittle regimen is, that it’s the best yet. Don’t change a thing...jmemo (just my expert medical opinion) 😎
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