I looked it up because of your post and after watching the whole unedited interview I actually feel sorry for her. She's clearly had some sort of psychotic break that is beyond just a crazy ex-gf/ex-bf doing crazy ex things. The press putting it all out there and exploiting someone who is so messed up that even the courts said she was unfit for trial and later declared unrestorable (meaning that she could not be given enough drugs and therapy to get her well enough to aid in her own defense -- most people who are declared unfit are later declared fit) just feels like a barbaric form of exploitation. This was someone that anyone could tell was in desperate need of psychiatric help and instead of helping they exploited her condition for cash. If she ever does get well she will have this hanging over her for life. Someone in authority should've stopped it before it began - it's no different than telling reporters to go interview the kooks on the Alzheimer's floor and bring us the craziest one you can find. We'd all be mortified by that and we really should be mortified by this too. This interview never should've happened.
As an aside, if you ever see the pictures of her from before this break with reality it's night and day how much she changed. She was once pretty. I'm assuming between jail and the anti-psychotics she gained weight but she was once a really pretty young woman with no look of crazy that she has in the interview.