Recruiting Forum Football Talk IV

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This games going to be cancelled isn’t it?

I hate all these guys being out. Gives Purdue more excuses to use when we win by 50.
I’d say they are injured or academically having issues this time of year
I do t know
Not COVID related I wouldn’t go k or it’d be all over the news
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Hendon Hooker & Chase McGrath were the only two transfers last year that enrolled before April, I'm actually a bit surprised we've already picked up 2 transfers at this point (before our bowl game even).

Maybe I missed it. Who else other than Mincey?
I don't want the game cancelled but honestly it's not that big of a deal. Win or lose this game I'm just looking forward to next year and another shot at teams that matter. I think we'll stomp Purdue easy.
Stomping Purdue easy would be a good look for a team that needs as many positives to sell as possible.
I’m so happy that the absolute bloodbath of verbal assault that I went through in 2007-2010, specifically in Halo 3 and Modern Warfare 2 lobbies, isn’t entirely dead and gone.

Xbox Live voice chat is where boys turned to men, or at least learned to take a joke and dish one back. Now I can’t even share a clip from PlayStation network to a private message group with my friends if I use “profanity” in the description box.

And I don’t mean actual profanity. I couldn’t even say “we don’t love them hoes!” When I tried to share a scene from Yakuza 5 yesterday. Like bruh

Small tangent. Carry on.

The party chat system killing open lobby chats was one of the biggest losses in video game history iyam.
Also, update on the kids that left UT for those greener pastures...

Brian Maurer - Stephen F. Austin
Tee Hodge - Indiana State
Carlin Fils-aime - ?
Harrison Bailey - ?
Morven Joseph - Florida Atlantic
Tiyon Evans - Louisville
Lol Fils-Aime was still on the team? He was playing in some back woods indoor game I officiated back in July.
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