make sure its 10 GB symmetrical, you know so you can connect your 50 laptops to it.

We have 200/ and have four smart TV's, several laptops, as many as 4-8 smart phones, several smart home features and not single stitch of cable TV.
Point is fiber is such a buzz word. You're likely copper throughout your house anyway. Hardware cant handle the speeds it generates.
Bristol Virginia Utilities was the first to kick off Epon or Gpon fiber 20 years ago. Most people dont realize that its a very inexpensive network to deploy. The devil is in the upkeep.
Public utilities face a massive roadblock to longevity and will likely sell out, just as Optinet did. And that is upgrsding and maintaining the engine that powers that fiber.
That's once Charter and Comcast deploy their fiber network, all bets are off. They will crush Twin Lakes, Wow, Century Link, Ben Loman and every other Johnny come lately.
ATT stands alone.
This is a speedtest from when I first switched to BR in 2020. I was the first guy on my block. Low latency, no jitter. Now, it dances all over the place.
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