this was back when Fred Warren was on a roll in the UK. ETSU had just built a brand new practice Golf Facility backing up to Buffalo Mtn. He recruited some famous golf player, that's all I know. I graduated and left in '03. Then came back in '05. I actually thought Rory attended ETSU, apparently not.
For some reason or another we toured the facility. To me, as a fisherman, it looked like some Caddyshack ****. But coach Warren wouldnt shut up about it. I never understood why ETSU cared more about Golf, Tennis, and Bball than other sports. (i get the women's soccer thing, thanks Rab).
Rory McIlroy once signed a letter of intent for East Tennessee State University | For The Win
Tiger is like a story I heard in a movie with Burt Reynolds a loooong time ago.
Burts character is a cop or PI I cant remember which, but he tells this story about a young kid he knew when he was a boy, he said the kid could ride a bicycle on top of a fence, and how amazing it was that the kid was fearless and that he never fell off...till the day he finally fell. Once that happened he could never do it again...he fell off every time he tried. Whatever it was in him that told him he could do it was forever broken.
Tiger has lost that part of himself probably forever. And no matter how much of a lowlife he was or is...that is sad to see to me. He was amazing.
Lol thanks Rab. 😂
You and I graduated ETSU same year. I now play golf some with the guy who took the scholarship when Rory turned pro. He's from Scotland. Man Coach Warren has had some players through here.
I dont think a team is going to take only 10 recruits
Just an illustration as to why you can't do star average by itself. But fair enough; let's do a more realistic example:
Team A: 4 stars - 10, 3 stars - 15 (3.4 avg)
Team B: 4 stars - 9, 3 stars - 13 (3.41 avg)
Which is the better class?