Recruiting Forum Football Talk [RIP 9.3.2019]

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Those 34-45 zones are the worst.
Yeah. The cop came up a side street and the minute I saw the car I knew my goose was cooked. IDK if you know Johnson City it was on N State of Franklin right befire you get to the 4 way stop. I'm mad as hell at myself right now

Well, it all started when a buddy started claiming Western Michigan fandom...i had always used Central Michigan for NCAA teams. Then it evolved into present day WMU-CMU-EMU omnidirectional rivalry.

I guess the next step was a group of buddies from college that talk Premier League smack.

Clear as mud, eh?

Man U for life! Fire Up Chips!
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That’s the thing I am holding onto. Dad was recently diagnosed, and the decline has been quick. Have another round of appointments later this month with the neurologist. Not sure what all is ahead for him and us, but I’m hanging onto the fact that I still get to hug him and tell him I love him.
My mom's has been a slow but steady decline. She's was diagnosed about 8 years ago. She was only about 70 when she was diagnosed. We picked up on some things even earlier than that.

If your dad is still in the early stages, I recommend exploring trials. We registered with a national organization and directly with Vanderbilt. Candy has an excellent Alzheimer's research program. Unfortunately for us, she was too far gone to qualify for any trials. These trials do more than just potentially treat the patient, they also treat the family giving them hope.

God bless you and your family.
Yeah. The cop came up a side street and the minute I saw the car I knew my goose was cooked. IDK if you know Johnson City it was on N State of Franklin right befire you get to the 4 way stop. I'm mad as hell at myself right now
Go to traffic school. Won't save you any money but it will keep it off your record.
The QB, Steele and Hill were all roommates and all were present when the QB got accused of sexual assualt. All three likely leaving, we recruited Hill heavily out of Bama before he tore his ACL. Steele is from Cali but he's said he plays too physical for Pac12 football.
The article I read said the assault stopped because they heard hill walk into the other room.
Chris Steele was involved in some kind of drama with USC if I remember correctly. Didn't he have to decommit because they have him the git shirt over some reports he was getting money during his recruitment?

Jaydon Hill was the douchebag that told everyone he was coming here. Then picked UF. Then talked ish on UT after they beat us this year.

Henderson was someone we were after at the end and picked UF out of nowhere at the AA game.

Would be huge attrition off of one team if they all did in fact leave. UF might not feel the affects now, but they will in a year or two.
So what’s the confirmed fallout? 6 incoming signees and a coach?

It's pretty wild. Some people were having a lot of fun with it last night posting that Mullen was going to be put on leave and stuff. I haven't seen any confirmation yet or really any details but the 247 site for Florida is on the story.


Love the rumor mill, may it all be true....or at least uncover the truth... I guess.....but doomsday scenario works better for our football team than...dammit, real life things that truly matter like abusing any woman or covering up or hell, LOL, any of this stuff being thrown out there.

May justice prevail ( and result in as many of these dumb kids who didn't understand their gift and opportunistic lot in life be gone, and learn from and improve at being a better human).

Now, show me that list.......
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