Recruiting Forum Football Talk [RIP 9.3.2019]

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It's pretty wild. Some people were having a lot of fun with it last night posting that Mullen was going to be put on leave and stuff. I haven't seen any confirmation yet or really any details but the 247 site for Florida is on the story.


Lol come on guys.
My mom's has been a slow but steady decline. She's was diagnosed about 8 years ago. She was only about 70 when she was diagnosed. We picked up on some things even earlier than that.

If your dad is still in the early stages, I recommend exploring trials. We registered with a national organization and directly with Vanderbilt. Candy has an excellent Alzheimer's research program. Unfortunately for us, she was too far gone to qualify for any trials. These trials do more than just potentially treat the patient, they also treat the family giving them hope.

God bless you and your family.

Dang, man, I could have written your first paragraph as my mother-in-law's story. Same exact ages, noticed things several years before, steady decline, etc. Mine made it to 80. If your mom's heart is strong, that is what is delaying her passing. I really don't want to go into the details of how it all goes from here, just know that I am praying for her, you and your family.

To the rest of the posters dealing with this awful disease - take InVOL's advice and explore the options as the medical community has been making inroads. It does provide hope, if nothing else but for your peace and the dignity of your loved one.
Well, it all started when a buddy started claiming Western Michigan fandom...i had always used Central Michigan for NCAA teams. Then it evolved into present day WMU-CMU-EMU omnidirectional rivalry.

I guess the next step was a group of buddies from college that talk Premier League smack.

Clear as mud, eh?

Man U for life! Fire Up Chips!
I sort of got it, I think. I have buddies at work who got me interested. One is a Man City fan and the other is a Tottenham fan. I don't have much faith in Man City not winning this weekend, but I hope you can pull against them for at least a draw. You surely don't want Man City to win again, right? Also, the ECL championship should be epic for me and my friend. I will be at my daughter's dance recital that whole day, but will be checking on my phone as much as I can.
It's like they really just don't care how many times they forced me to update my charts. smh.

View attachment 204879

They're trying to make me start all over with this chart. Some people.
View attachment 204886

The scuttlebutt seems to be that in addition to the I guess behavioral issues, they may also have a couple academic non-qualifiers. In addition to the names jay26 lists as perhaps gone I've also seen Zipperer's name as a potential non-qual.
I sort of got it, I think. I have buddies at work who got me interested. One is a Man City fan and the other is a Tottenham fan. I don't have much faith in Man City not winning this weekend, but I hope you can pull against them for at least a draw. You surely don't want Man City to win again, right? Also, the ECL championship should be epic for me and my friend. I will be at my daughter's dance recital that whole day, but will be checking on my phone as much as I can.

I know Manchester United wears red. I presume another City in Manchester who flits around wearing light blue (very chapel hillesque), is powder puff league.

I do enjoy an occasional match if Man U is playing. Otherwise, id rather have my fingernails pulled than watch an entire game. It's a rivalry predicated on sarcasm. Some take it seriously.

We dont take anything too seriously. That said. WMU & EMU fans can go **** themselves, if they can figure out how that works.
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247 UF board is in meltdown mode. 15 page thread and counting with all these rumors flying, some of their fans want Mullen fired if all these guys end up transferring. It's madness in Gainesville today.

It feels so good.
Did all this stuff start bubbling up yesterday? I hadn’t heard a word until I read it here last night.
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