One of the things that's seeming to come out of this for me is maybe a little more trust in Pruitt's recruiting critical factors. It doesn't mean he's never going to have a problem with a kid (see Kenny George Jr) but some Florida fans are saying Copeland raised their eyebrows during his recruitment regarding the type of character he has. I think Pruitt may be the sort that tells you how it's going to be and that doesn't sit well with some actual 5-star hearts. So I'm not sure we missed on Cade Mays, Rakim Jarrett, and others. I mean maybe he just isn't going to lie to the and tell them what they want to hear just to get their LOI and what he does tell some of them, maybe those with a bit of an entitled attitude, is enough to piss them off so you see them trolling us on social media in revenge. I don't know if any of that's true but I do think he has a commitment to establishing what he considers the right culture in his program. jmo.
i think you're probably on to something. in the assessment/eval process, you kinda wanna see how thick the skin is. and if something you do to help guage "fit" from a personality, character or whatever standpoint, as standard practice, is enough to run a guy off, then you got your answer. the ones that respond to it, have a shot at fitting in if they measure up in other areas as well.
obviously a lot goes in to that, more than just attitude, character or physical ability, as each being a stand alone. you have to have a combination of all of it.
and to me, and i said this about a year ago, you either have a standard, or you don't. and while your recruiting board may start off one way, it may end up another....for a lot of reasons obviously...but one of those being who didn't cut the any one of those categories....
that doesn't mean every guy we don't get is because pruitt made it that way, but it does mean that not every player that decides to go elsewhere is a "loss" to the staff. sometimes it's just weeding guys out. no different than wanting a marginal guy you've not seen yet to come camp.
i would say that most any of these good coaches are always evaluating. i doubt pruitt is any different. you have to have coaches that know what is expected in those arenas as well.