Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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Heupel looked peeved to be on Gameday. Different expression and demeanor than FL where he seemed relaxed.
I said that during his last press conference of the week. Idk if it's just focus or he's not happy about something.

Either way I hope he can find a way to loosen up. We thrive on his looseness.
He is 100 percent the perfect long term Corso replacement. He knows football and is incredibly entertaining
Just wish he had a better "radio voice". He's a little hard to hear. They just need to inflate his bass some. I'm sure the sound engineers can improve it. Otherwise really like him as an addition.
You realize even if Tennessee loses today they still control their own destiny, right? This isn’t the only game left….
You realize I never said Tennessee was going to lose or could not control their own destiny. Nice try to whatever you was trying to imply. Tenn is still going to win
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