That's why I said sort still doesn't mean that the way the teams were selected was wrong.and it also doesn't mean you need 8 more teams.
When this goes in to affect...13 will be leading the charge for 16. Then, some day 17 will lead the charge for the next iteration...someone will always be just"outside".
Hell 69-73 find justifiable arguments every year as to why they should be in the ncaa tournament...
At some point don't you have to win some of those games you lost to qualify?
I know it sounds like I'm just dead set against this..I do see the good points that will come from it.
I'm not sold that is worth what it will do to the importance of those big regular season match ups...there will be plenty of those games that regardless of who wins,both are going to the playoff anyway. So who cares who wins the first game?