Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Tampering. Arranged travel prior to UT receiving his transcript. Much ado about very little.

I don’t think that’s it. They punished us for that already, according to the article. There was probably something we weren’t telling them, but we got snitched on, and they’re coming down harder because we hid it if I had to guess.
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We've seen people go down here for less. There's a nervous energy for sure to this Vitello situation. There needs to be a real outcry if there is further punishment beyond this weekend series. It's hard to fathom that there's so much energy being put into this situation, while there's seemingly none being put into Alabama and this situation they have on their hands, the fact that Miller and Bradley (who also had a role in the murder) are still playing and the fact that Oats is coaching. It really pisses me off that we get the hammer it seems for flicking flies while gun fights have occurred involving Bama players and not even a slap on the wrist. Corruption at its finest.
Also, Danny White isn't a spineless worm like past ADs so if serious trouble was coming down the pipe for Vitello, I think he'd be more willing to fight back. Us bending over and spreading for the NCAA every time they come sniffing around really has yet to benefit us though.
i miss when video games were just video games and not “esports.”

Hot take: eSports has ruined gaming. Everything is about a battle pass or a season pass or some kind of ******** microtransaction. I miss being able to buy a game and just play it.

Nowadays the $70 for a game is just an entry fee for the rest of the **** they want you to buy. Putting out half baked games and drip feeding content through battle passes is so old at this point.

A lot of things have ruined gaming but the biggest thing is the concept of using the game as a vehicle to sell other things. Give me a good single player game without a bunch of junk you're trying to sell after the fact and focus on the actual game and I will give you every dollar I have willingly -- good games are one of the best investments when it comes to spending for entertainment.

Focus on microtransactions and all the other crap and you can't pay me to pick up your game. The problem is there are a ton of people willing to pay 40 dollars for a cosmetic after the fact because they often don't realize how much they're paying in real money because of the way various game currencies work.
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Mine is playing it right now too lol. She’s already beaten the game though. Just doing completionist stuff

I'm playing it right now on PC. 😜😀So far, it's been a really fun game and I love the fact that it's unapologetically singleplayer. I hope that gaming houses are learning something from the success of both Elden Ring and Hogwarts Legacy -- these are games that focus on being actual games. It's a breath of fresh air to just be able to go into a different world, play, and not be interrupted by constant things designed to sell me crap.
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