My sister-in-law was out walking her golden retriever a couple of weeks ago. A truck turned onto the street and was blinded by the low sun - he turned into the bike/golf cart/walking path and ran over her and her dog. Bonnie (the dog) rolled under the truck and ended up with a broken rib and a torn-off toe nail. A vet was there walking her dog and took her to her office. The driver (young military guy) stopped immediately. My sis-in-law ended up with 4 broken ribs on one side, two broken ribs on the other, a broken clavicle, broken femur on her right leg, broken tibula or fibula (not sure which) on her left leg, broken bone where the fibula and tibula come together at the top of her foot. The operated on her femur and inserted a rod. They are allowing the other breaks to heal on their own. She is now in a residential rehab/PT facility and is expected to be released this coming Friday. She is 74 years old and is amazing.
PS - Bonnie is doing well!