Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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I think if Hooker were healthy and playing in the bowl that everyone else would be playing, sans maybe Tillman. I have no doubt we would win because he pushes the whole team in prep and in play. Hooker just commanded respect. Respect makes you do all the right things, even when no one else is around.

Milton seems to want to be a leader based on the locker room and practice videos that we have seen. Lord knows he's been patient for his turn. I hope he can lead the team in the same way.
I hate Alabama with the heat of a thousand suns..sun's...

But I respect the hell out of Bryce Young...dude is an absolute warrior. I hope we get a lot of guys like him and Hendon from here on out...I believe Hendon would be strapping on the pads and playing in the Orange Bowl if he could.
Both Bryce and Tua have both been impossible to hate. Great role models on and off the field.
Alabama also gets huge insurance policies that pay out if an injury causes them to slip in the draft…. That is why none of them are opting out.
Did they change that recently? I thought they were only doing disability policies that kicked in if they had a career-ending injury.
Absolutely. I think the red team’s quarterback and number one draft choice is playing in their bowl game…and it’s not a playoff game, either. Honestly, I expected him to go into the draft but I really really thought, he wouldn’t follow the crowd. I believed he’d play in the Orange Bowl. This one really bothers me.
Me too
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Why is it a toxic comment? You just belittled one of our players, a guy who busted his ass to get better and get this NFL opportunity. My guess, if Hooker wasn't hurt and was playing, Hyatt would play too. But that's not the circumstances. Hyatt gave his all for Tennessee and now has the chance to represent us well at the next level.
I hate Alabama with the heat of a thousand suns..sun's...

But I respect the hell out of Bryce Young...dude is an absolute warrior. I hope we get a lot of guys like him and Hendon from here on out...I believe Hendon would be strapping on the pads and playing in the Orange Bowl if he could.

Yep, HH5 would've played. The guy's a walking example of all the things we look for. Injuries happen, but his injuries and Tillman's-- and the consequences-- just seem so unfair.
Wish Hyatt had balls that big.
Naw he’s getting paid big NIL bucks to play in the bowl game. Same for Anderson.
Couldn't our NIL to the same?
Probably but it’s more beneficial to him and the program to run a sub 4.4 forty and become a 1st round pick than catch 6 passes and 1 TD in the Orange Bowl that Squirrel could catch anyways.
In other words we are f'n cheapskates...figures.

There are a lot of variables that we just don't know about, for us to boil it down to any single one thing.

I'd like to know if the Alabama collective designs their contracts in such a way that you can't opt out of the bowl game.

Your comment is operating under the pretense that the poster you quoted is correct - Bama stars are playing in their bowl because they're getting more money to do so. If that's true, then you would think that it's important to Saban for them to play, so he's leaning on their NIL to make it worth his players' while.

I'd imagine that Heupel handles his relationships with his players differently than Saban does, and he's fine with them getting ready to go pro and opting out. Heupel isn't Saban and vice versa, and that's ok. Knowing what we know about Heupel, I think he'd rather see his guys remain healthy and get into the league than play a bowl game for him. I'm sure if it were really that important to Heupel that we could lean on our collective to pay for play our guys too for one bowl game. I just think that Heupel is focused on a bigger picture.

Admittedly, this is just as much speculation on my end.

If Bryce tore his knee up late in the season like Hooker did, and couldn't suit up, I wonder how many Bama players would opt out. Hooker being out really took the wind out of our sails for the postseason.
The Orange Bowl is a big game. UT has waited a long time to get back in an NY6 bowl game and finishing the season strong is momentum UT wants and needs. A win against #7 Clemson would help the program. UT wants our players to play in the Orange Bowl, but in the end, it's the player's decision. If a player is injured, UT does everything possible to help them get ready to play if they can, as much as they can-- i.e., Jackson. But that, too, is the player's decision. If a player is medically cleared to practice and play and chooses not to, UT respects their decision. If someone opts out, it's next man up.
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