If "showing skin" is the bar, then I digress. Is this Saudia Arabia? Or Puritan times?
Do men showing off their biceps give them confidence and courage? Honest question. I'd say hell yes. I was there in college
oh and NicksJunk is still there
(Love you man, please don't pulverize me)
Not saying it may be healthy for any human, especially a younger one, to base their sense of value on such a fleeting quality. But if it is part of a larger package of understanding, well that's not abnormal. Men also find their value in "providing" for their family. And women for "caring" for their family. And some folks don't fit into those boxes whatsoever. I think flexibility in understanding your value is critical. Value yourself first and foremost. The rest will follow, as you won't be defined by others...so the rest will be either icing or moot.