Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Something lost in all this is the fact that although Plowman and White deserve their flowers for how they navigated this, Greg Sankey threw his significant weight around to defend us from heavy sanctions as well when he could have easily just stayed out of it and (imo) would have a few years ago.

Says a lot about how the SEC views Tennessee as a contender and revenue generator going forward.
Something lost in all this is the fact that although Plowman and White deserve their flowers for how they navigated this, Greg Sankey threw his significant weight around to defend us from heavy sanctions as well when he could have easily just stayed out of it and (imo) would have a few years ago.

Says a lot about how the SEC views Tennessee as a contender and revenue generator going forward.
fair enough.
This makes a lot of sense for coaches like Heupel and Barnes. They'll go get an established commodity for a year or two when they miss on the big fish prospects instead of going for prospects who aren't passionate about coming to UT. I think we are seeing this more and more with the football prospects Heupel is targeting and those they seemingly 'let go' or don't get into the bidding war for, if that narrative is true.
I for one am very glad we don't get into bidding wars, especially for high schoolers. They've proven nothing.
Pat cried.

These analysts are really flubbing this. They're purposefully leaving out the most important piece of context because they want to paint the Vols with a sour brush.

Tennessee cooperated to the utmost degree. An unprecedented level of cooperation. They stripped naked for the NCAA.

These analysts could be using the opportunity to highlight this as a bold move that paid off and an example set to the rest of the country - ADs, Chancellors, and Presidents - on what to do in the future. It's a new leaf. Cooperate and we will give you a wrist slap. Don't cooperate and we will come down hard.
These analysts are really flubbing this. They're purposefully leaving out the most important piece of context because they want to paint the Vols with a sour brush.

Tennessee cooperated to the utmost degree. An unprecedented level of cooperation. They stripped naked for the NCAA.

These analysts could be using the opportunity to highlight this as a bold move that paid off and an example set to the rest of the country - ADs, Chancellors, and Presidents - on what to do in the future. It's a new leaf. Cooperate and we will give you a wrist slap. Don't cooperate and we will come down hard.
They aren't acting in good faith.
Me: “We’re about to win a natt…”

These analysts are really flubbing this. They're purposefully leaving out the most important piece of context because they want to paint the Vols with a sour brush.

Tennessee cooperated to the utmost degree. An unprecedented level of cooperation. They stripped naked for the NCAA.

Agreed 100%

Many on this message board didn't agree with that strategy, though, fools that they are!
For all those who say we got off easy, they fail to recognize that we gave the NCAA their case. We handed all the evidence to them on a silver platter. And yet we still got hit with an exorbitant fine and more scholarship reductions.
Just want to admit something here about Donde Plowman, and the UTAD. Ive never been a fan of either Plowman or Boydo. First im happy it wasnt my decision to fire Cornbread with cause and not pay his buyout. Second, their insanely long, costly investigation paid off? I think, this feels like winning.

Well done to you both.
I don't "think" it, I know it.

Two reasons...
First and foremost, Heupel seems happier than hell about the outcome, so I am. Tells me all i need to know...

...and, if that doesn't do it, the committee themselves told me, whenever they said, "without UT cooperation, they were fcked". Paraphrasing, of course.

Well done, indeed.
These analysts are really flubbing this. They're purposefully leaving out the most important piece of context because they want to paint the Vols with a sour brush.

Tennessee cooperated to the utmost degree. An unprecedented level of cooperation. They stripped naked for the NCAA.

These analysts could be using the opportunity to highlight this as a bold move that paid off and an example set to the rest of the country - ADs, Chancellors, and Presidents - on what to do in the future. It's a new leaf. Cooperate and we will give you a wrist slap. Don't cooperate and we will come down hard.
And did a pole dance, too.
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I also kind of gained respect for Pruitt, he doesnt seem like that bad of a guy. He paid someone’s medical bills, as well as helped another person pay for their car. Not to mention, he also cooperated and helped Tennessee out in terms of the investigation with the NCAA, and cooperating with the interviews
I know late to this post, but 🙄. I don’t know your intent in this, but….give me a break. He was at several schools before ours and knew the rules and still flaunted them….blatantly. Yes, I’m one of the ones that defended him while he was our head coach, and admit I was wrong. Whatever he heard from recruits and why they needed money, he knew it was wrong

and put our football program in jeopardy. Dip into his own pockets was also a option or hide it better, he did neither. Damn, he coached at Alabama, Georgia and Florida State. We ended up with a Alabama mindset without the Saban know how to do it.

edit for myself, I forgot to call you an idiot. You’re teetering on the troll line with your last few posts. If you are, reign it in, you’re outing yourself. I’d hate that, I’d lose my entertainment value.
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