Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Update on the bammer board…. Seems like Fulmer still gives them nightmares to this day. Love to see it! Lmao!

Danny White needs to make up some sort of super high profile ceremonial role for Fulmer (it doesn't matter what it is so long as they have to see him all the time) just to keep the Gumps and the rest of the SEC riled up. 🤣

Says the fan whose football employees are literally killing their players, along with themselves. $8 million is chump change compared to that $40 million coming down the pike at UGA; not to mention what the OTHER football employee, the one who survived, will get.

I know it sounds crazy...but, depending on how ugly that gets down there...if it gets UGLY UGLY, even Kirby won't be able to survive it, imo. It was a terrible tragedy, brought on in a massive way, by someone who was on his staff, with another staffer seriously hurt, as well. What do you all think that girl is going to say about the whole shabangabang, UGA's going on's, not just about the accident, if she has to fight with her lawsuit? I'm not saying this is going to saying it has the potential to burn that place down.

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Says the fan whose football employees are literally killing their players, along with themselves. $8 million is chump change compared to that $40 million coming down the pike at UGA; not to mention what the OTHER football employee, the one who survived, will get.

I know it sounds crazy...but, depending on how ugly that gets down there...if it gets UGLY UGLY, even Kirby won't be able to survive it, imo. It was a terrible tragedy, brought on in a massive way, by someone who was on his staff, with another staffer seriously hurt, as well. What do you all think that girl is going to say about the whole shabangabang, UGA's going on's, not just about the accident, if she has to fight with her lawsuit? I'm not saying this is going to saying it has the potential to burn that place down.

I hope their program gets burnt at the stake.
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Says the fan whose football employees are literally killing their players, along with themselves. $8 million is chump change compared to that $40 million coming down the pike at UGA; not to mention what the OTHER football employee, the one who survived, will get.

I know it sounds crazy...but, depending on how ugly that gets down there...if it gets UGLY UGLY, even Kirby won't be able to survive it, imo. It was a terrible tragedy, brought on in a massive way, by someone who was on his staff, with another staffer seriously hurt, as well. What do you all think that girl is going to say about the whole shabangabang, UGA's going on's, not just about the accident, if she has to fight with her lawsuit? I'm not saying this is going to saying it has the potential to burn that place down.

The fact that it's called the Fulmer Cup is such ******** considering we've never even won it. Georgia has though.
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I like AP. I’ve met him and we’ve chatted a bunch and I think he’s a good dude and good at what he does. This isn’t a slight at him. But the above is why I would never (again) pay for recruiting info. I had a VQ membership for a few years but never liked how disorganized the forums are so never really posted. Cancelled about 2 or 3 years ago. And then jumped back in for the dollar a year promo because why the hell not. But honestly I can’t pay even $10 a month for info that is so fluid and basically useless. Especially when, at the crux of it, the info you’re paying for - to know who we’re getting or not - they can’t even give you because they don’t want to ruin the kids moment.

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I like AP. I’ve met him and we’ve chatted a bunch and I think he’s a good dude and good at what he does. This isn’t a slight at him. But the above is why I would never (again) pay for recruiting info. I had a VQ membership for a few years but never liked how disorganized the forums are so never really posted. Cancelled about 2 or 3 years ago. And then jumped back in for the dollar a year promo because why the hell not. But honestly I can’t pay even $10 a month for info that is so fluid and basically useless. Especially when, at the crux of it, the info you’re paying for - to know who we’re getting or not - they can’t even give you because they don’t want to ruin the kids moment.

Mhmm. That's my position as well. Doesn't seem like a good product to pay for.
Mhmm. That's my position as well. Doesn't seem like a good product to pay for.

I wish I could quit my interest in recruiting. Back when I was big into the NFL I used to love all the draft talk and watch all 7 rounds. Kind of the same thing. I don’t know why I can’t quit, but I tell myself all the time I need to. 😂
I wish I could quit my interest in recruiting. Back when I was big into the NFL I used to love all the draft talk and watch all 7 rounds. Kind of the same thing. I don’t know why I can’t quit, but I tell myself all the time I need to. 😂

But think of all the other things you could complain about if you weren't complaining about recruiting!
July 15, 1876

George Washington Bradley of the St. Louis Brown Stockings shut out (or, in the baseball parlance of the time, “Chicagoed”) the Hartford Dark Blues by a score of 2-0 on. Aside from their being Chicagoed, the Blues also failed to get any hits in the process (although Bradley did walk two) establishing this game as the first no-hitter recognized by MLB. Bradley’s nickname, “Grin,” came from the constant smile he showed to batters as he pitched. It apparently made a striking impression. Years after he retired, an article in The Sporting News mentioned that “no one before ever had such a tantalizing smirk.”

I don't like more scholarship reductions. The rest I can live with. Though given our level of cooperation, it seems steep.

The should offer Pruitt a chance to lessen his show-cause by turning state's evidence on Bama, and possibly Georgia. He knows how that cheating machine works.

I am not sure he does know. If he did, he should have done it betterer.
Jeremy Pruitt didn't just start those recruiting "techniques" when he got here. He's been doing these things at GA, AL, and FSU completely unchecked.

Exactly. Cornbread was just blatant and bad at it here.

It has also gone on in nearly every program, including ours for decades.

Don't need to do it anymore with NIL. Yet, it will still happen and the NCAA will bring the hammer when it does if the participants are stupid about it. I'm thinking Danny plans to run a much cleaner operation since we are a leader in NIL with full support of the legislature.
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