Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Aren't we kinda conveniently forgetting the accuracy problems he had while he was here?

Of course, if he had the QB coaching we have in Knoxville today... he might the returning starter for the Steelers.
The tweet was about his runs, running ability. My comments were about his running ability.

If we get rid of TAMU and Mizz does that mean we can also get rid of OU and Texas?
And Arkansas and S Carolina. I've never liked it. Neither belong.

And, they brought with them the conference championship game...imo, THE foundation of all we've seen happen since, and what's happening today. That was their first taste of what ratings would be like, and what the networks (in 1992, the beginning of expansion beyond ABC, CBS, NBC) would pay for it. That game sowed the seeds of 21st-Century TV contracts...the engine that is at full-throttle, that is driving ALL of this.
It's reminding me of The Highlander.

I mean, you have to give it to their commissioner. He didn’t start it, but he is playing the game as well as anyone right now. That conference is going to be more fun than what they had, and way better than the PAC was.
They won’t have only a few dominate programs, so every year should be interesting.
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