Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Example...the Salton Sea has been an environmental nightmare that needs something done about it what happens? The nuts spend 65+ million on it..wanna guess where all that money went? Freaking studies and consulting staff fees.

Life is hard enough for lower middle class people without making EVERYTHING suck by making EVERYTHING cost more thanks to all the environut 🐎💩 that won't let anything common sense get done.
That’s like California dumping untold gallons of fresh into the ocean to save fewer than 1000 fish.
All of that would have been avoided had the refs actually reviewed the TD call. Wth was that?

Even the broadcasters said nothing about the white shooting up? I know I'm color I the only one that saw that? Jfc
I think it was one of those calls that there was not enough there to over turn the call on the field…. If the refs called him Out then it would have stood as well.
Could probably add Janis Joplin and The Doors to that list. Commenting more on The Beach Boys, Brian Wilson was/is a musical genius. A true innovator of his times. Pet Sounds is a masterpiece. BB King is another Blues legend to add to that list. Maybe some Louis Armstrong.

I could probably think of more but I'm under the weather tonight. Had to cancel on going to watch the game with friends.
Hope you feel better.

Pet Sounds is the album I was thinking of. Doors on vinyl is a must, great point.

I had a lot of personal favorites that I wanted to add to his list but I was trying to think of the best produced for the depth that vinyl champions.
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Definitely shooting for a Doors album early on. Should sound pretty haunting.

Trying to limit myself to 1 nice record/month and 3-4 dollar bin ones hoping for a lucky find or miscellaneous ones for sampling. Jazz albums can be excellent for such, so I'm glad y'all are letting me know what's good from Coltrane and others.

May take some time to accumulate a nice collection, but otherwise I could easily go broke on stuff like this 😅
Riders on the Storm would be badass on vinyl.

Here's a bunch of 60s jazz from a guy i trust with music
Sixties Jazz! Has music ever sounded better? - RYM/Sonemic

I'll share some curveballs in a bit....
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