Don't be the bozo that dresses wrong, because I'm hearing they have elected to escort those out wearing the wrong colors and replace them with orange and white clad mannequins.....just saying.
I knew there was some reason I thought well of you. I'm also allergic to about 95% of all cats (besides not liking them). Love dogs though (DOGS not dawgs).
Coach Jones likes to allow the players to vote on uniform combinations. This week I'm told the vote appears to be for the all-orange uniforms. The Vols of course donned all-orange unis in their upset win over South Carolina last season.
Bet the farm the house the wife what ever you got BIGORANGE 31 gators17, the streak will be over dancing in the streets, drink till Monday AZZ KICKING TIME IN TENNESSEE.:dance2::bash:
Think around 6am we are headed out! Got some family that lives about 30 minutes from the stadium. I'm kind of in an odd situation sitting on the visitors side...
Think around 6am we are headed out! Got some family that lives about 30 minutes from the stadium. I'm kind of in an odd situation sitting on the visitors side...