He was accused of sexual assault. Butch suspended him while they investigated, hence why he missed the last 4 spring practices and the O&W game. After the findings or lack there of, the girl decided not to press charges and Lane was reinstated back with the team.
Where's the problem?
Oh, stop. Do you know how many tape victims drop charges out of fear or embarrassment?
I try to be ethically and morally consistent and this Lane story is really bothering me. The timing of it coming out (Vandy case) and parallels the author tries to paint in it set off my spidey senses. The whole thing smacks of yellow journalism. Lane's never been worth covering up for, he was suspended, there was investigation, and the girl for whatever reason decided not to press charges. The author makes Vandy out to be a swift enactor of justice while implying UT covered things up yet Vandy didn't immediately boot the players and it was ages before their names were known - Vanderbilt didn't speak their names and IIRC there was some question of whether or not SEC Media days would reveal things because they would be forced to reveal their roster. It was anything but swift.
I don't know what Lane did or didn't do (if he did do something he should be gone). However, I do know that pretending Vanderbilt handled it better is BS and pretending that UT covered it up is BS.
Whatever else is going on, there's something wrong with this story and its presentation.
Most schools would have done the same thing if the victim/s didn't press charges or speak to the media. Especially if nothing comes out of said investigation. It's a hot topic though for many good reasons and we just became added fodder for the talking heads. Seemingly now the victims are speaking possibly spurred by events at other schools.
This... It's such a nonstarter.... Talk about digging deep for a story... Her headline was worse than the article.... Acting like TN didn't do anything... Yemi was kicked out of school and lane was suspended until no charges were made. Butch was ready to kick him off if it was true. He suspended him immediately. What the heck does she think we are going to do? Scream to everyone about it and ruin kids image when the girl obviously didn't find it serious enough to press charges? No nobody does that because most of this cases end up being an embarrassed girl that doesn't want to be consider a freak nasty