Not a fan of Chad Morris.
I guess that means it will def be Chad Morris.
I looked up June Jones record before Morris came. It was actually fine.
What is owed to Schiano is dependent on Currie's internally authorized ability to execute binding documents on behalf of UT. I doubt he has been given the sole authority to put UT on the line for 8 figure contracts. If he has, the state needs to have a formal investigation.
The lawsuit would be for gross negligence and personal damages to his occupation and career. He may get a settlement for that. This was an ugly event played out on a national stage by a bunch of incompetent goobers.
UT didn't release that info and furthermore the info that was being harped on didn't come from an entity of any sort regarding UT. He can sue the guy that testified that story.
I just don't see the grounds Schiano has in a suit.
I'm all in on Les Miles. Give him a super star staff. Pay him 4 Mil and give hime $6-$8 Mil for staff. Go steal some great coaches. Go get Sam Pittman, Go get some of those Oregon coaches that want to get back east, Cristobal. It can be fixed. But it will cost some money. I think the money will pale in comparison to what it will cost if we screw this hire up.