Ferentz just got an extension.
The guy must have pictures on someone.
I mean, really, it's Iowa. They've got SOME history, but most of it was with Hayden Fry, and every time it looks like Ferentz has really stepped in it, he turns in a performance that you can't fire him over. Joke all you want, but Iowa went to the Rose Bowl, and even though they were clearly overrated, a 12-2 Rose Bowl season is...pretty nice.
I think Iowa recognizes that Ferentz is going to keep their program stable and bring some good seasons to balance out the bad ones, and they don't feel like getting on the coaching carousel and taking a shot in the dark. With Ferentz you're PROBABLY getting mediocrity, but hey, you may get an Orange Bowl or a Rose Bowl or something. Get rid of him, and who knows?
So basically the other players supposedly having good practices at MLB and being interchangeable was another load of crap from Butch? I agree with catbone- I hope Jumper gets exposed enough times that Shoop is forced to try someone else. Now is the damn game to do it, not next week. Butch's stubbornness and unwillingness to adjust will be his downfall here. I expect this crap from him but am surprised that Shoop is on board with this ridiculous plan too. And what if Jumper gets hurt- it's not outside the realm of possibility- what's their backup plan then?
so, if nobody can beat 53 out, are they all busts?
I cringed when he said "they're gonna ride with Colton jumper until they feel there's a reason not to"
So unbelievably stubborn