Icing is pushing the puck from your zone top the opponent's zone without it being touched. Offsides is the defender crossing the neutral zone before a forward from your own team
Houston Kress is whining on twitter about this also, saying that because Butch wished Preds good luck that he ha doomed their chances. I hate vol twitter
Does this Houston guy actually have a real job? He is on twitter clowning the program he claims to love basically 24 hours a day. Always. Whatever he does to make a living can't be too taxing. It would cut into his Twitter time.
Does this Houston guy actually have a real job? He is on twitter clowning the program he claims to love basically 24 hours a day. Always. Whatever he does to make a living can't be too taxing. It would cut into his Twitter time.
Patrick Brown is the biggest hater of all things Nashville. Always get a good laugh when people try to hype up Memphis like it's the best city in the state, or when people who are from there try to crap on Nashville.