Ha! Standard Middle/East Tennessee code for "too many poverty level black people."
I am from East Tennessee and I like Nashville and Knoxville, but don't pretend that this Nashville-Memphis issue is not debatable. Traffic in Nashville is almost as bad as Atlanta and Philadelphia. Meanwhile, you can drive anywhere in this area in 30 minutes or less at any given point in the day. As Nashville grows, so too do it's crime statistics. I'm not sure when you lived here last, but Memphis is developing in commercial and residential real estate, albeit not at a pace to match Nashville. There have also been several recent public projects that have improved road conditions. Public schools here suck, but I have to think there is a reason why there are dozens of private schools in the Nashville area. The point is, there are good things and bad things about each city.
As a Vols fan and a lover of this site, it is very disheartening to see that every time something good happens in Nashville, a dozen or more posters have to come here and take a dump on Memphis. It is ridiculously one-sided. I would think that people would celebrate the success of their city instead of going out of their way to denigrate a "rival" city. Most people I know in Memphis are excited and happy to have a growing, vibrant, fun city that is only three (3) hours away. Most people I know in Nashville are happy to have a laid-back city with good food, good music, great fun, and favorable traffic conditions only three (3) hours away. Give our common State and geographic proximity, what is good for one is certainly good for the other. That's my take anyway.