Recruiting Forum Off-Topic Thread II

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Where did the microorganisms come from? Who created them? Life cannot suddenly happen. Something has to spark it. Matter swirling around endlessly together will not suddenly form itself into a life form. Even a very simple life form. The life on earth is so complex that there is no way that it could be some random natural occurance.

I'm not claiming to to know where life came from/how it did.

I was just pointing out that that source and scientist you were quoting doesn't have a beef with the idea of life evolving from very simple life forms on Earth. In fact, if you read into his scientific beliefs, he rejected the big bang theory in favory of a theory that basically claims the universe had no beginning and has been in a somewhat perpetually unchanging state.
The 5 season thing can be true for all deciduous forests. You should bring them to Tennessee in late may and early June blow their minds that's it's the same lol. The two animals I want to see most in Japan (main reason I'd like to go) is a giant salamander (reason for the kappa myth) and a tanuki (real not myth) I'd also love to see the shrines (both the tourist traps and ones in the forest)

Sounds like the Kansai area is the place for you! More shrines and temples than you can shake a stick at. They're interesting and all, but once you've been to a few it's like you've seen them all.

It's a little tourist-trappy, but I really recommend going to Nagano and seeing the hot spring monkeys if you're ever over here and get a chance. As for Tanuki, I've seen them at some zoos, but I've got no idea how one would go about seeing them in the wild. Same for the salamanders (minus the zoo part).
What's wrong with someone discussing their lack of belief? He is just as justified in explaining his point of view as you are. It sounds like you just don't want to interact with someone who doesnt share your exact same point of view. The world would be pretty boring if everyone was the same.

The difference is I didn't take the stance that I looked forward to when no atheist walked the earth. He's been full on attack mode. All the Christians have done is defending. No one has attacked his right to not believe what he wants to believe. His tone earlier was also belittling and had a superiority complex. He's made little attempt to prove why he doesn't believe but been critical of why we believe.
The difference is I didn't take the stance that I looked forward to when no atheist walked the earth. He's been full on attack mode. All the Christians have done is defending. No one has attacked his right to not believe what he wants to believe. His tone earlier was also belittling and had a superiority complex. He's made little attempt to prove why he doesn't believe but been critical of why we believe.

He's always that way. Has an axe to grind with Christians. Claims he doesn't. I call BS.
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Sounds like the Kansai area is the place for you! More shrines and temples than you can shake a stick at. They're interesting and all, but once you've been to a few it's like you've seen them all.

It's a little tourist-trappy, but I really recommend going to Nagano and seeing the hot spring monkeys if you're ever over here and get a chance. As for Tanuki, I've seen them at some zoos, but I've got no idea how one would go about seeing them in the wild. Same for the salamanders (minus the zoo part).

Tanuki are mainly found in the forest of the northern island (can't remember the name right now) and the salamander should be found in heavily oxiginated creeks and shallow rivers but they're technically endangered so I would need a guide to see one outside of an aquarium. I would love to go to Nagano to see the hot spring monkeys definitely on the bucket list. Kansai sounds like an area I would be interested in. If I were to ever travel to Japan what would be the best phrases to know?
1. This is semantics, because you can just as easily call atheism/agnosticism the belief that (insert religion here) is wrong.

2. The FB thing was just a hypothetical about how people react to two differing viewpoint. My main point was about representation and why non religious folk would want it. Not about posturing or chest puffing about those viewpoints.

3. I admit I'm taking the age old risk about assumptions here, but here goes:

I'm assuming you don't believe in climate change. Don't you want someone in congress who shares your lack of belief in climate change and can represent that?

The absence of references to Christianity is not an attack. This line of argument is contradicted by your earlier line somewhat.

Your faith is not under attack because people don't want a public prayer at a HS football game. People not wanting a government institution to endorse a religion is understandable, given that it's written into our constitution.

If you lived in a 70% majority Muslim neighborhood and the local high school had everybody face Mecca and pray to Allah before each football game, how would you feel, exactly?

Personally, I think the best thing to do at these events is give a moment of silence/reverence for people to reflect/pray/go to the bathroom according to their own personal beliefs/nonbeliefs.

I absolutely believe in climate change so try again. I don't believe man and in particular fossil fuels are as significant a factor as many are led to believe.

If you think removing the name of our savior from a holiday that is solely based on his birthday because someone might be offended is not an attack then really tthere is no reason carrying on this discussion. Disney can have a gay day but they sure as heck can't have a Christian day. May gosh son open your dang eyes.

As to Islam, I obviously disagree with Their views but unlike you, I would never tell them they were wrong. If I was attending a soccer game in UAE and they had a Muslim prayer while I would not participate in would be respectful and not say "hey, I'm a Christian, I'd appreciate you not doing good that". It's called respect and tolerant of other people's ideals. I sure as heck wouldn't try and file lawsuits to try and make sure to have them forced to not praying.
He's always that way. Has an axe to grind with Christians. Claims he doesn't. I call BS.

It drives me nuts. They can't be happy with removing Christ from Christmas or praying in public or the 10 commandments from our courthouses. They have to try belittle and try and prove that they are right and we are stupid for believing in a higher power.
The difference is I didn't take the stance that I looked forward to when no atheist walked the earth. He's been full on attack mode. All the Christians have done is defending. No one has attacked his right to not believe what he wants to believe. His tone earlier was also belittling and had a superiority complex. He's made little attempt to prove why he doesn't believe but been critical of why we believe.

He's always that way. Has an axe to grind with Christians. Claims he doesn't. I call BS.

I am always amazed by those who dig deep into the creation by devoting great amounts of intelligence, time, and work; but don't give two seconds to the Creator. They worship the natural world, intelligence and knowledge, but will not acknowledge the point of origin of it all. :crazy:
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Tanuki are mainly found in the forest of the northern island (can't remember the name right now) and the salamander should be found in heavily oxiginated creeks and shallow rivers but they're technically endangered so I would need a guide to see one outside of an aquarium. I would love to go to Nagano to see the hot spring monkeys definitely on the bucket list. Kansai sounds like an area I would be interested in. If I were to ever travel to Japan what would be the best phrases to know?

There are a lot of levels of formality to Japanese that some people stress over when trying to learn survival phrases. My philosophy is that if you're just here on vacation, go with the easiest ones because people don't expect foreigners to understand Japanese to begin with. Also, a lot of phrases don't translate exactly into english, but people will generally just be happy you're trying even if you use a slightly wrong word for something. With all that being said, the survival words phrases I suggest to people are often just the easiest to pronounce/remember and not worry to much about grammar and conjugations.

gomen- sorry
sumimasen- excuse me (can basically be used interchangeably with the former)
ikura-how much
wakaranai/wakannai-I don't understand
nama: can mean raw ie sushi, but in the context of a restaurant usually means draught beer (they call it nama biru)
iku/ikeru-go/can go
douyatte-by what means
no/ka-when used at the end of a sentence signals that it's a question
speak/can speak: hanasu/hanaseru
Japanese: nihongo

Some useful phrases

Where is the bathroom?
toire wa doko ka?

How can I go to x
X douyatte ikeruno?

Draught beer, please!
nama onegaishimasu!

I don't understand.
wakaranai / wakannai

I don't speak Japanese:
nihongo hanasenai

If there's anything in particular you want to know, you can ask any time. If you ever make it over here, I can type you up a cheat sheet for convenient phrases to remember. A lot of the travel books overly complicate things for tourists IMO
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He's always that way. Has an axe to grind with Christians. Claims he doesn't. I call BS.

Depends on how you define having an axe to grind, I guess. If you define it as disagreeing and willing to debate, then sure I guess I do. But then so do most around here with nonbelievers as well as other interpretations of christianity too.

But I've never insulted someone for their belief. I've pointed out what I think is wrong/dangerous with it, but that's called discourse. People just don't like hearing their ideas contradicted and assume I have it out for them personally, I guess.
There are a lot of levels of formality to Japanese that some people stress over when trying to learn survival phrases. My philosophy is that if you're just here on vacation, go with the easiest ones because people don't expect foreigners to understand Japanese to begin with. Also, a lot of phrases don't translate exactly into english, but people will generally just be happy you're trying even if you use a slightly wrong word for something. With all that being said, the survival words phrases I suggest to people are often just the easiest to pronounce/remember and not worry to much about grammar and conjugations.

gomen- sorry
sumimasen- excuse me (can basically be used interchangeably with the former)
ikura-how much
wakaranai/wakannai-I don't understand
nama: can mean raw ie sushi, but in the context of a restaurant usually means draught beer (they call it nama biru)
iku/ikeru-go/can go
douyatte-by what means
no/ka-when used at the end of a sentence signals that it's a question
speak/can speak: hanasu/hanaseru
Japanese: nihongo

Some useful phrases

Where is the bathroom?
toire wa doko ka?

How can I go to x
X douyatte ikeruno?

Draught beer, please!
nama onegaishimasu!

I don't understand.
wakaranai / wakannai

I don't speak Japanese:
nihongo hanasenai

If there's anything in particular you want to know, you can ask any time. If you ever make it over here, I can type you up a cheat sheet for convenient phrases to remember. A lot of the travel books overly complicate things for tourists IMO
It'll be a few years before I get over there. My family and I have been talking about going over there for years but haven't planned anything. I've always wanted to go to Hokkaido (had to look it up to remember) and just travel around with no particular destination. Of course hiking Mt Fuji is a want but I don't want to deal with the hornets. One thing I want to ask is about the superstition culture. Is that an older generation thing or is it still prominent in the younger generation.
It drives me nuts. They can't be happy with removing Christ from Christmas or praying in public or the 10 commandments from our courthouses. They have to try belittle and try and prove that they are right and we are stupid for believing in a higher power.
1. Nobody is calling you stupid.

2. Commandments 5-10 are great. Nobody would have a problem with those being put in front of a courthouse. But surely you can understand how "You shall have no other God before me" and "Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy" can easily be interpreted as houses of our secular law publicly making an endorsement of one religion over others. And that goes against our constitution.

3. It might not have crossed your mind, but the laws we have that safeguard the separation of church and state are the ones that also make sure Shariah law could never be implemented in this country if one day there is a Muslim majority/Christian minority.
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I absolutely believe in climate change so try again. I don't believe man and in particular fossil fuels are as significant a factor as many are led to believe.

Ok, so you don't believe in man caused climate changed as backed by many scientists today. Don't you want that non-belief represented? Why shouldn't it be represented just because it's non belief?

If you think removing the name of our savior from a holiday that is solely based on his birthday because someone might be offended is not an attack then really tthere is no reason carrying on this discussion. Disney can have a gay day but they sure as heck can't have a Christian day. May gosh son open your dang eyes.

Disney absolutely could have a Christian day if they wanted, they're a private company. Just Like McDonald's and Wal-mart. Those companies choosing to use terms like "Happy Holidays" and acknowledge that December belongs to more than just people celebrating Christmas is not an attack. It's a business decision for "inclusion" (edit: which is really just their way of getting more money, ultimately).

As to Islam, I obviously disagree with Their views but unlike you, I would never tell them they were wrong. If I was attending a soccer game in UAE and they had a Muslim prayer while I would not participate in would be respectful and not say "hey, I'm a Christian, I'd appreciate you not doing good that". It's called respect and tolerant of other people's ideals. I sure as heck wouldn't try and file lawsuits to try and make sure to have them forced to not praying.

My example wasn't about the UAE and visiting another country as a guest. It was a hypothetical taking place in the US. Don't shift the goalposts and answer my question.

If the area you lived in was dominated by Muslims and the principal of your child's HS (or some community leader from a local mosque) showed up to lead everybody in a public declaration of their faith and a muslim prayer, how would you feel? Would you be in the wrong for saying "hold on now, my family doesn't believe this, my children shouldn't be pressured into feeling like they have to go along with this" ? I don't think so.

And no lawsuits have been filed to stop people from praying at schools. Only for schools not to lead a prayer of any certain type themselves and/or coerce students into prayer. Schools are well within their rights to give moments of silence for students to pray as they see fit. No students are stopped from saying grace for themselves before they eat lunch. Prayer is still in schools, it's just not lead by schools.
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It'll be a few years before I get over there. My family and I have been talking about going over there for years but haven't planned anything. I've always wanted to go to Hokkaido (had to look it up to remember) and just travel around with no particular destination. Of course hiking Mt Fuji is a want but I don't want to deal with the hornets. One thing I want to ask is about the superstition culture. Is that an older generation thing or is it still prominent in the younger generation.

The hornets at Mt. Fuji (and the Yamanashi area in general) aren't that bad, really. I go hiking around there a lot and have never had any problems. Really wanna make it to Sapporo sometime soon though.

And as far as superstition, I'm sorry but I'm gonna need some specifics. I'm not so sure what kind of superstitions you're referring to.
The hornets at Mt. Fuji (and the Yamanashi area in general) aren't that bad, really. I go hiking around there a lot and have never had any problems. Really wanna make it to Sapporo sometime soon though.

And as far as superstition, I'm sorry but I'm gonna need some specifics. I'm not so sure what kind of superstitions you're referring to.

You're right I should've said superstitious
You're right I should've said superstitious

That quote is often misused. Many people believe that it means we shouldn't point out another person's sin at all. However, if you read further Jesus says that you must first get your life in order so that you can better help your brother/sister that has stumbled. If you are constantly consuming to much alcohol and becoming drunk then how can you tell someone else that they shouldn't drink. Or if you are engaging in extra-marital affairs, how can you tell another that they should stop having an affair of their own? We are warned not to do that because the measure that we choose to use in our judgment of others will be used to judge our own actions. We must cease our own sins and follow Jesus' example before we can start pointing out the sins of others. Now, that is hard for many because breaking sins hold can be hard to do. However, who would have the better testimony for leading another to Christ:

1. A person that grew up and has never drank alcohol

2. A person that had struggled with alcoholism and addiction their whole life

Just because a person has sinned doesn't mean that they can't point out another's sins. If the only people that pointed out another's sins of alcoholism were people that had never had a drink then where would the power of the testimony come from. A person that has defeated a sin with the help of Jesus is a much stronger testament of God's power than someone that never committed that sin. God will use our sins to demonstrate His power over it when we allow him into our heart.

Matthew 7:1-5
7 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye."

I understand and agree with this.
I don't think that the uber judgemental self- righteous that keep posting do...
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You're right I should've said superstitious

I'm sorry I'm not trying to sound dismissive, but what exactly do you mean by superstitious? Like "don't walk under a ladder" superstitious or "Aokigahara Forrest is littered with ghosts" superstitious?
It drives me nuts. They can't be happy with removing Christ from Christmas or praying in public or the 10 commandments from our courthouses. They have to try belittle and try and prove that they are right and we are stupid for believing in a higher power.

Straw man ftw
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1. Nobody is calling you stupid.

2. Commandments 5-10 are great. Nobody would have a problem with those being put in front of a courthouse. But surely you can understand how "You shall have no other God before me" and "Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy" can easily be interpreted as houses of our secular law publicly making an endorsement of one religion over others. And that goes against our constitution.

3. It might not have crossed your mind, but the laws we have that safeguard the separation of church and state are the ones that also make sure Shariah law could never be implemented in this country if one day there is a Muslim majority/Christian minority.

Your implications earlier were anyone that believes in a higher power was less intelligent.

Just because there is a stone tablet that sits on public property doesn't mean you have to go by them. Our constitution doesn't say freedom from religion it says freedom of religion. Whether you like it or not this country was founded on Christian principals.

That's the problem with your type. You have a complete lack of respect for others beliefs. "OMG, can you believe that they have the gall to put the ten commandments on display? That's offensive to me. Let's get the ACLU involved." Instead of over looking it like all the crap that many Christians find offensive like Christians do. The only people forced to be tolerant are Christians. Heck, Christian bakers are required to make cakes for gay couples when it goes against their religious beliefs.
Ok, so you don't believe in man caused climate changed as backed by many scientists today. Don't you want that non-belief represented? Why shouldn't it be represented just because it's non belief?

If you can't see the difference in the two there is no since in continuing. That's about a far reaching analogy as I've ever seen

Disney absolutely could have a Christian day if they wanted, they're a private company. Just Like McDonald's and Wal-mart. Those companies choosing to use terms like "Happy Holidays" and acknowledge that December belongs to more than just people celebrating Christmas is not an attack. It's a business decision for "inclusion" (edit: which is really just their way of getting more money, ultimately).

Your right they could, but do you realize the backlash they'd get from the likes of you? Ever heard of Hobby Lobby or Chicken Filet? They get grief for not opening on Sundays. We're talking about private companies that have caught grief for something they believe in. Hobby Lobby has been sued because of some of their policies that have a religious basis.

My example wasn't about the UAE and visiting another country as a guest. It was a hypothetical taking place in the US. Don't shift the goalposts and answer my question.

If the area you lived in was dominated by Muslims and the principal of your child's HS (or some community leader from a local mosque) showed up to lead everybody in a public declaration of their faith and a muslim prayer, how would you feel? Would you be in the wrong for saying "hold on now, my family doesn't believe this, my children shouldn't be pressured into feeling like they have to go along with this" ? I don't think so.

Where else might I go to find a crowd of predominantly Muslims attendinga soccer game? Regardless if I went to a stadium that was predominantly one religion I wouldn't participate but I would be tolerant and respectful. There is a difference in participating and being tolerant. If I found myself a community that I didn't feel comfortable in, do you know what I would do? I would move. I wouldn't try to make everyone conform to my way of thinking.

And no lawsuits have been filed to stop people from praying at schools. Only for schools not to lead a prayer of any certain type themselves and/or coerce students into prayer. Schools are well within their rights to give moments of silence for students to pray as they see fit. No students are stopped from saying grace for themselves before they eat lunch. Prayer is still in schools, it's just not lead by schools.

Uh, you need to try again. There have been many lawsuits filed. I would cite them but you seem to have enough time to research for yourself. The state of Alabama is one that went to the Supreme Court. It was stricken down by the court simply because the word prayer was used in the description for the silent time period that was being allowed for meditation and prayer

It's always struck me as completely hilarious is the only ones that have been forced to be tolerant are the Christians. Anyway, I'm done with this. It's obvious that all you want is everybody to bend over to make sure you don't get offended by some cross hanging in public or photo of a bible in some government building.
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It's always struck me as completely hilarious is the only ones that have been forced to be tolerant are the Christians. Anyway, I'm done with this. It's obvious that all you want is everybody to bend over to make sure you don't get offended by some cross hanging in public or photo of a bible in some government building.

Matthew 5:10 - "blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

Acts 5:41 - "The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name."

I see persecution through a little bit different lens. Yes our country was founded on Christian beliefs, but this doesn't mean persecution won't find its way to believers. Christians will be persecuted and that's ok. The important thing is to maintain and keep your faith. I know Darth feels strongly about his beliefs as well, but I don't see it as him being disrespectful. Persecution is what Coptic Christians are going through in Egypt on a daily basis.
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Your implications earlier were anyone that believes in a higher power was less intelligent.

Just because there is a stone tablet that sits on public property doesn't mean you have to go by them. Our constitution doesn't say freedom from religion it says freedom of religion. Whether you like it or not this country was founded on Christian principals.

That's the problem with your type. You have a complete lack of respect for others beliefs. "OMG, can you believe that they have the gall to put the ten commandments on display? That's offensive to me. Let's get the ACLU involved." Instead of over looking it like all the crap that many Christians find offensive like Christians do. The only people forced to be tolerant are Christians. Heck, Christian bakers are required to make cakes for gay couples when it goes against their religious beliefs.

Separation of Church and State means that we don't have a state-sponsored religion. If we kept things like the 10 commandments outside courthouses and In government buildings it's implying that Christianity is the religion of the government.
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Separation of Church and State means that we don't have a state-sponsored religion. If we kept things like the 10 commandments outside courthouses and In government buildings it's implying that Christianity is the religion of the government.
That's your implication. We they place the Easter Bunny on the white House lawn does that have an implication? Does that mean we are endorsing the Easter Bunny? I think this government as done an absolutely masterful job of distancing itself from christianity, at the expense of Christians in many cases.
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