Recruiting Forum Off Topic Thread III

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Abortions available on demand right up until the mother goes into labor and beyond, unlimited/unchecked immigration, welfare and other benefits for non-citizens, being required to purchase a product (health insurance), executive orders mandating that you cannot stop anyone from using whatever public restroom they want regardless of gender, free cell phone tents, using emergency powers to raise the minimum wage for federal contractors, etc. are all radical and extreme policies/agendas. Trump was a radical/extreme candidate, and a big reason he was elected was because a size-able portion of the population was reacting to the policies/agendas I just mentioned. Now Sanders and anything related to the Green New Deal have gained a ridiculous amount of traction, and a lot of that is reactionary toward Trump. Is Trump divisive? Definitely, but it started well before he got elected. Our nation’s leaders began to lose the ability to moderate and compromise before 2016.
Agree, it was way before 2016.
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And a hypocrite at that..Walking through China town telling people “it’s ok to be outside” while down playing the virus before it’s peak.trying to justify it by saying trump was racist,so by walking in public with the Chinese SHES basically saying sorry for him? All he stated was that it originated from China..then criticizes trump for his doings..the only thing I have against him is he talks to damn much and I always have to remember he isn’t politically correct.but hes just into himself way to much at times and it’s over barring.pelosi needs to go.shes old blood who shows the early stages of dementia and can’t put the bottle down..have you noticed how badly she’s aged since the last election?..👀Jesus.
I am not a Trump fan, either, though I think he is great for the economy, which is the biggest issue in any election year, as it should be. But her sole goal since he was elected was to do everything she possibly can, at the expense of a lot of people and programs, to make him look bad and get him out of office. She does not care one whit for the American people. Her hubris leads her to believe that she knows better than anyone else and she is going to push her agenda, irrespective of the conseuquences.
And then when called out on it she said what she did was different because she "was trying to combat racism." :D The same woman who, when asked how she was coping with staying at home, insulted 20m+ newly unemployed workers by sitting in front of her double freezers and showing off all her decadent ice cream.

Trump's biggest issue is he has no filter. He talks too much sometimes and he doesn't know how to filter what he says, but I will always prefer a populist who has already proven to me once he can spur serious economic growth to career politicians who has accumulated millions off the taxpayer dime.

Amen!!!...well said!...I voted for trump and I will again..everyone hates the man but he’s serving us “the people” for another president who has done that?’s hard to argue against someone who works for free when we don’t ourselves.especially! Running the country..he has zero ties to any of the big companies and calls them out every time they get out of line and I like the fact he keeps them and the lobbyists in check.i know he has no filter most of us don’t and I can relate to that so I understand and don’t mind that at all but sometimes you have to know when to walk away from the mic because people hate him who wait on that small snip to twist it a million different ways and take it completely out of context..there is no doubt in my mind the democrats will try to use this twisted sip of him “saying to inject Lysol” all the way up until the election when in reality he was being a smarta$$ when he said that
22 million unemployed, a viral pandemic, a mental midget as POTUS, a man who can’t finish a damn sentence as his challenger in Nov, the Vols haven’t had a 10+ win season since 2007..... and you think Pelosi is our biggest problem right now??
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The economy under Trump was not a problem, and it took a massively devastating act of God to derail it, but I know you tolerant/intolerant types will never credit anything good he has done, which totally discredits your opinion.
I am not a Trump fan, either, though I think he is great for the economy, which is the biggest issue in any election year, as it should be. But her sole goal since he was elected was to do everything she possibly can, at the expense of a lot of people and programs, to make him look bad and get him out of office. She does not care one whit for the American people. Her hubris leads her to believe that she knows better than anyone else and she is going to push her agenda, irrespective of the conseuquences.

I’m glad you see it that way man..I really do it gives me hope for the independents and the old school blue bloods at the voting box.. at the end of the day even though we all see it differently when it comes to government.which is fine I must add.that when a republican and true democrat or independent can come together and acknowledge that “hey this old bat is delusional and is not doing her job what so ever we need to get her the f*** out” that’s what politics is short list for who else needs to be out is maxine waters and Diane Feinstein. Cortez will be gone and so will the “squad”,they have pissed off a lot of people but scare the S**t out of me because they are the new generation of politics I’m afraid because the younger generation hears “free” and they don’t know any better.
The economy under Trump was not a problem, and it took a massively devastating act of God to derail it, but I know you tolerant/intolerant types will never credit anything good he has done, which totally discredits your opinion.

A massive devastating act of god to derail it” you say!?..not sure how much you are into conspiracy theories or if the Democrats are solely behind this and the whole Soros theory but I found this very very interesting..this was 5 years 3 months and 19 days later..enjoy

The economy under Trump was not a problem, and it took a massively devastating act of God to derail it, but I know you tolerant/intolerant types will never credit anything good he has done, which totally discredits your opinion.

Dafuq I said in my post that has anything to do with the economy pre-rona? Is it bc I insulted Trump?

You do realize that it can be true that the economy was doing really well - AND - Trump is a mental midget, right? Or I guess you believe him when he states the he’s a stable genius?

My post didn’t favor either side there, hoss.
I wouldn't call Trump a mental midget, I think he has smarts. I do think he is a classless sociopath who is obsessed with his image. I hope that he has just enough in his brain to keep us out of a war in the next 4 years. I would say his hubris and tweets and the defense contractors in his ear to revitalize the economy will put those odds at 50/50 at best.
I wouldn't call Trump a mental midget, I think he has smarts. I do think he is a classless sociopath who is obsessed with his image. I hope that he has just enough in his brain to keep us out of a war in the next 4 years. I would say his hubris and tweets and the defense contractors in his ear to revitalize the economy will put those odds at 50/50 at best.
Liked for the derogatory hoss, hoss.
Dafuq I said in my post that has anything to do with the economy pre-rona? Is it bc I insulted Trump?

You do realize that it can be true that the economy was doing really well - AND - Trump is a mental midget, right? Or I guess you believe him when he states the he’s a stable genius?

My post didn’t favor either side there, hoss.
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I wouldn't call Trump a mental midget, I think he has smarts. I do think he is a classless sociopath who is obsessed with his image. I hope that he has just enough in his brain to keep us out of a war in the next 4 years. I would say his hubris and tweets and the defense contractors in his ear to revitalize the economy will put those odds at 50/50 at best.
He is not a sociopath..he is a nut though. He has no filter.
I wouldn't call Trump a mental midget, I think he has smarts. I do think he is a classless sociopath who is obsessed with his image. I hope that he has just enough in his brain to keep us out of a war in the next 4 years. I would say his hubris and tweets and the defense contractors in his ear to revitalize the economy will put those odds at 50/50 at best.

just throwing it out there..war is money and generals love war for some reason.thats exactly what got Kennedy killed was because he didn’t want war...what are your thoughts on trump recently giving the ok to open up on the Iranian coastal patrol👀😭😂😂 ya know the boys wanting to shoot at us from Yachts with basically potato guns and M-80’s
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The economy under Trump was not a problem, and it took a massively devastating act of God to derail it, but I know you tolerant/intolerant types will never credit anything good he has done, which totally discredits your opinion.
Economy was flying back well before him and will do what it does after him. He didn't wave any magic wand...
just throwing it out there..war is money and generals love war for some reason.thats exactly what got Kennedy killed was because he didn’t want war...what are your thoughts on trump recently giving the ok to open up on the Iranian coastal patrol👀😭😂😂 ya know the boys wanting to shoot at us from Yachts with basically potato guns and M-80’s
The miltary-industrial-intelligence complex thrives on war or at least the threat of it. Otherwise budgets and private contracts would dry up. Can't let that happen, gotta keep hawking, keep alert levels high, and police the world.
He is not a sociopath..he is a nut though. He has no filter.
100% sociopath. Even the guy behind the art of the deal reluctantly said he was...he spent years beside the guy. He wants to be revered here like Kim Jong Un is in NK and he ogles over authortiarian figures. 100% sociopathic narcissist.

Hell, many at or near the top trend toward sociopathy. It is not unusual at all. They are best fit to reach the top. Gervais Principle at work.
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just throwing it out there..war is money and generals love war for some reason.thats exactly what got Kennedy killed was because he didn’t want war...what are your thoughts on trump recently giving the ok to open up on the Iranian coastal patrol👀😭😂😂 ya know the boys wanting to shoot at us from Yachts with basically potato guns and M-80’s

I think Iran/North Korea/China are in a three horse race to be our dance partner in a conflict.
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Economy was flying back well before him and will do what it does after him. He didn't wave any magic wand...

👀😭😂😂😂😂 ohh @Devo182 one of my favorite about that unemployment rate before the pandemic? Or maybe the fact that the (DOW) closes daily at a record high up And did so up to 165 days straight to be exact..Obama has been long gone out of office and trump is still raising that you realize that after Bush we were basically in a recession and anywhere up from a recession is growth..history shows after an election when the country changes hands from different presidents there is always a economy boost and that’s all he ever got..unemployment was at 9% with Obama something trump has never seen...Obama’s regulations on big businesses and small compromised our growth as a country and he did not understand that..Obama was always a good salesman with ok ideas but someone who understands how the country grows and operates he was not.i was out on Obama the day he asked our captured soldiers To apologize to the Iranian government for being captured in open waters,who were aired live around the world when they were captured and “tied up” I must add..if that is your president then that is your choosing but he isn’t or wasn’t mine..this is the United States of America where someone down the line in all of our families served and we don’t apologize to no one nor do we give them 4 billion US dollars in exchange for prisoners..the Iranians are a threat now because of Obama...Trump2020🇺🇸
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I think Iran/North Korea/China are in a three horse race to be our dance partner in a conflict.

Iran is just nuclear and can be taken out without being seen..North Korea along with Iran are way behind in military assets so I’m not worried about them as much as I am China.but combined 👀👀🤔 that one is interesting but overall I think we have to many allies and between that and the UN I don’t think it will happen..I’m just worried about where Russia’s loyalty is if Infact they do combine together (Iran,China and North Korea)
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