Mods..feel free to move or delete. I just need to get this off my chest
The economy needs to be set free to do the best it can...the never ending hourly fear mongering from the media will keep a big lid on it to a degree, but at least working people will have a chance to survive. Keeping it shut down much longer is a death sentence for peoples livelihoods.
You and I both know the original, and very prudent at the time, idea was "flattening the curve" so the healthcare system could prepare and not be overwhelmed, not "stopping the virus" we have done that as much as is past time to move on.
That other idiot has listened to monumental power hungry idiots like my governor up here, who has daily, without fail used the phrase "stopping the virus" in his stupid updates.
The populace is sick of it, I am out up here talking to people from all over the state everyday, and the number of people pissed off and ready to get on with their lives is a big majority.
I will say I am sorry to everyone here, and I will shut up about this for now, but I am extremely pissed at the idiots like that other poster who are for keeping everybody else under their frustration level is at 11 with them.
If people wanna stay home to "stay safe"...go right ahead..I won't mock anyone for it, high risk people should quarantine themselves..but in the words of Moses.."Let my people go!!"