Missed the mark, counselor. It's OK, most do. I agree on the hating that it is political. However, as in your profession we all live with the facts on the ground. Our nation is at war on multiple fronts. Fact.
I could care less who is at fault and neither does the doc. He/she cares about what the COD is and records accordingly. In many blue states he/she has been given an order from the state and/or hospital to record the COD as COVID-19, period. That's documented and in evidence. The only question that needs resolved is whether the hemophilia (previous example), which actually caused the death, and the COVID-19 should be listed together on the death certificate. If they are listed together the statistics need to reflect it - not be coded strictly as a COVID-19 death. Which is what is happening in many blue states.
As previously stated, if no test for COVID-19 is made, how can the doc legitimately list a COD of COVID-19? He/she can't. It's as invalid as Fauci's "anecdotal" statement about lack of a trial in therapeutics. How can medical researchers, scientists and statisticians who analyze the data and model make life affecting accurate decisions and assumptions with faulty data? One modeler says 2.2 million deaths, then adjusts downward and downward after the panic sets in while the more sinister calculate the best ways to game the system for cash and power. Look what is happening in LA County today. Shutting down for 3 more months when a population of 10 million people has experienced only 1500-1600 deaths that are coded like stated in the paragraph above. That's not science - that's politics and abuse of power for personal and corporate gain.
All of that is a huge flaw in government and the law. Which is my point, not whether COVID is real and who it affects. Fauci claims there is only anecdotal evidence of hydrochloroquine working on COVID-19, discounting docs on the ground using it, while out of the other side of his mouth in 2005 states how excited he was that chloroquine was working great on SARS/COVID at that time. The source of the data from his 2005 statement was as he served as Director of the NIH. Turns out the host cell receptor is the same from then as well as now. Why the change in attitude about the inexpensive, proven med today? We know why.
Fauci knew about HCQ in 2005 -- nobody needed to die
I am not questioning COVID-19 as a serious disease. I am questioning the recording of same as the primary or only COD. From the data that is then recorded all of our lives are affected now and forever more.
Your blood pressure issue I am sorry to hear about. My wife struggles with it as do many in my family and friends. It doesn't kill you. It contributes to what will kill you if treatment for it is not successful. So if you were to die (please don't) from a heart attack induced by high blood pressure or a reaction to your BP meds while having COVID-19 antibodies in your system, should the COD be listed as COVID-19? We know the answer to that. A contributor, possibly. The primary COD? Nope. Yet, it would be coded COVID-19 in states where the statistical abuse is occurring.
And with that I retreat to my currently boring, no sports life.