Not sure if I'm disappointed or need to re-evaluate my Trump-ophobia.
Sources: Ben Carson to endorse Donald Trump |
Not sure if I'm disappointed or need to re-evaluate my Trump-ophobia.
Sources: Ben Carson to endorse Donald Trump |
Yeah, that definitely caught me off guard.
I get the "in the world, not of the world", but I can't imagine the thought of working with someone like that day in and day out.
What the heck is up with Trump rallies? That old guy punched the protester and cops jumped the protester.
Old man sucker punched that guy for no reason.
Not sure if I'm disappointed or need to re-evaluate my Trump-ophobia.
Sources: Ben Carson to endorse Donald Trump |
Theres two Donald Trumps. Theres the Donald Trump that you see on television and who gets out in front of big audiences, and theres the Donald Trump behind the scenes, he said. Theyre not the same person...."
This is crazy to me. And super super disappointing.
After 32 years of hearing some sermons and Bible classes teaching against this concept, I believe being a different person in front of different groups of people or in different settings is called hypocrisy.
I'm not the ultimate judge (thank goodness), and I obviously don't know Ben Carson's heart, but it does also SEEM an awful lot like hypocrisy to claim or at least promote the idea that Christian values guide you and your decisions and then to endorse someone who has a plethora of documented and/or
Videoed examples of doing the exact opposite.
Pretty baffling to me. However, if people change their vote based on what one man says instead of coming to their own conclusion, that -again, seems - kind of a poor way to make decisions.
Since you are well versed in the Word I can only offer you this thought. It is not intended to change your mind. We both support the same candidate.
As you know King Saul was chosen to lead the developing nation of Israel through the prophet (judge) Samuel. The establishment of a nation meant fighting warring tribes for territory and survival. That was a chief attribute of Saul and one the Lord would use to keep the chosen safe. Yet, we know Saul had a dark side and it brought his downfall due primarily to jealousy and pride. Then King David follows with his heart that follows the Lord - a man after God's own heart. Yet, he falls as well to grievous sins. Then, King Solomon follows suit with his pursuit of pleasure despite being filled with Godly wisdom. After him the downward slide began as king after king moved away from God with a few notable exceptions.
We all have feet of clay. God raises up who he raises up. We may not understand it. However, we should not assume that America inherited the mantel of the chosen of Israel because of our heritage. We should not assume that Dr. Ben Carson has not already been in prayer with the Lord before he made his decision and is now doing the work of the Lord.
His decision may mean he has been given Godly insight into how he can act as a confidant to improve Trump as a person and a leader of America. So I will pose this question to you. You know a person who is double minded with other issues in his/her past, yet, you know the immense talent and leadership abilities could benefit the current situation of your country and fellow people. You also know that person trusts and respects you as an equal, and will carefully consider your input. Would you be willing to work with that person in a capacity of influence on behalf of the country and Lord you love?
This is crazy to me. And super super disappointing.
After 32 years of hearing some sermons and Bible classes teaching against this concept, I believe being a different person in front of different groups of people or in different settings is called hypocrisy.
I'm not the ultimate judge (thank goodness), and I obviously don't know Ben Carson's heart, but it does also SEEM an awful lot like hypocrisy to claim or at least promote the idea that Christian values guide you and your decisions and then to endorse someone who has a plethora of documented and/or
Videoed examples of doing the exact opposite.
Pretty baffling to me. However, if people change their vote based on what one man says instead of coming to their own conclusion, that -again, seems - kind of a poor way to make decisions.
Also to your stuff about King Saul, God let the people have what they wanted; that doesn't mean it is what was best for them. It was actually because they had rejected God. Now of course God did use it all to accomplish his ultimate Will and Plan. But here ...
Look at this from 1 Samuel 8, especially verses 7-9:
"4Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah
5and said to him, Behold, you are old and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now appoint for us a king to judge us like all the nations.
6But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed to the LORD.
7And the LORD said to Samuel, Obey the voice of the people in all that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me from being king over them.
8According to all the deeds that they have done, from the day I brought them up out of Egypt even to this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so they are also doing to you.
9Now then, obey their voice; only you shall solemnly warn them and show them the ways of the king who shall reign over them."
I'm afraid, as a nation, we're gonna get what we are asking for... Again we are just gonna have to trust that God is in control and His Will will be accomplished no matter what. May He bless America
Trump indicated last night that Carson would be targeted toward education. Carson's endorsement of Trump would be indicative of him agreeing to go that direction in a Trump administration.
I think Huckabee would be the pick over Kasich unless Trump felt he needed more juice to capture OH in November. I think Ohio will go his way without Kasich. Trump may have somebody else in mind.
Zero chance on Huckabee. Trump needs needs needs Ohio if he wants to beat Hillary. That's why I'm predicting Kasich. It'll solidify my prediction more if Kasich beats Trump in Ohio this Tuesday.