Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

Science and the Bible support that there was once a great worldwide flood. That would suggest it was hot enough the ice caps had melted. The Ice Age tells us the Earth cooled back down. So the climate has always changed. Are we a catalyst speeding up the process? Possibly. But we are not the cause of the process. Could we potentially slow the process? Maybe. But we also continually fight against nature. We've continually over-populated the Earth. And as the Earth responds in an attempt to combat that overpopulation, we find new ways to survive. We, as humans, talk about conservation in regards to everything but ourselves. So if we are speeding up a climate change, the most likely result is our own extinction. We won't destroy the planet, just ourselves.

Well, let's see. First the earth cooled. And then the dinosaurs came, but they got too big and fat, so they all died and they turned into oil. And then the Arabs came and they bought Mercedes Benzes. And Prince Charles started wearing all of Lady Di's clothes. I couldn't believe it.”
Well, let's see. First the earth cooled. And then the dinosaurs came, but they got too big and fat, so they all died and they turned into oil. And then the Arabs came and they bought Mercedes Benzes. And Prince Charles started wearing all of Lady Di's clothes. I couldn't believe it.”

Natural market price fluctuation after a global pandemic is going to happen. Gas prices (or oil in general for that matter) have always been a market that lobbyist like to exploit though and this is just another time when that's happening, it absolutely would be happening if republicans were majority in congress as well. Because all political parties are pushed/manipulated by big money lobbyist.

Some lobbyist push more when we have democrat majority and some push more when it's republican.

Price influencing is happening, but the catalyst is demand. The prices are always pushed by demand, more people driving and on the roads again = more demand on gas. But yeah it gets pushed further by the lobbyist...there is just different window dressing for "what" causes it depending on which political party has power. Anti-oil/climate change etc. is the drum beaten when it's democrats and when it's republicans it seems to be some sort of conflict/war mongering with one of the countries that supplies the majority of our oil.

OPEC drives supply. That is what determines the price.
Natural market price fluctuation after a global pandemic is going to happen. Gas prices (or oil in general for that matter) have always been a market that lobbyist like to exploit though and this is just another time when that's happening, it absolutely would be happening if republicans were majority in congress as well. Because all political parties are pushed/manipulated by big money lobbyist.

Some lobbyist push more when we have democrat majority and some push more when it's republican.

Price influencing is happening, but the catalyst is demand. The prices are always pushed by demand, more people driving and on the roads again = more demand on gas. But yeah it gets pushed further by the lobbyist...there is just different window dressing for "what" causes it depending on which political party has power. Anti-oil/climate change etc. is the drum beaten when it's democrats and when it's republicans it seems to be some sort of conflict/war mongering with one of the countries that supplies the majority of our oil.
All I know is that all this liberal driven climate change paranoia is going to do is **** low middle class people like me over.

I finally get a chance, thanks to my mother leaving me a little money, to go and see things that I have dreamed of my whole life...and the 💩heads in charge immediately start a war on the fuel that makes this possible.

I hate em all.
All I know is that all this liberal driven climate change paranoia is going to do is **** low middle class people like me over.

I finally get a chance, thanks to my mother leaving me a little money, to go and see things that I have dreamed of my whole life...and the 💩heads in charge immediately start a war on the fuel that makes this possible.

I hate em all.
it is changing.

Also who is your choice at QB?
it is changing.

Also who is your choice at QB?
It is, just like it has countless times before and will again till the Lord says it's enough.

All this crap does is screw me over and scare people to death.

Like I said in another post, when one big volcanic eruption spews hundreds of millions of tons of Sulphur Dioxide into the atmosphere...everybody will be begging for a warming period to come back...quick....of course untold millions will die of starvation in the interim because modern society's food distribution will collapse.

Look up "The little Ice Age" and get back to me.
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It is, just like it has countless times before and will again till the Lord says it's enough.

All this crap does is screw me over and scare people to death.

Like I said in another post, when one big volcanic eruption spews hundreds of millions of tons of Sulphur Dioxide into the atmosphere...everybody will be begging for a warming period to come back...quick....of course untold millions will die of starvation in the interim because modern society's food distribution will collapse.

Look up "The little Ice Age" and get back to me.

Its the weakening of the jet stream and the inverse effects, that is what the issue is. See the ice caps melting and Texas getting pounded with ice storms. Weather is flipping and we aren't capable of handling it.
All I know is that all this liberal driven climate change paranoia is going to do is **** low middle class people like me over.

I finally get a chance, thanks to my mother leaving me a little money, to go and see things that I have dreamed of my whole life...and the 💩heads in charge immediately start a war on the fuel that makes this possible.

I hate em all.

Yeah, sadly that's always been the issue. Despite the majority being middle class or lower the elite rich run the show. And they make back far more in investments/stock than the $1-$2 extra a gallon on fuel would ever matter to them.

I mean just look at how many billionaires suddenly got made DURING the world's biggest pandemic of this generation. How wild is that, while the world is essentially in pause the uber elite are just churning up profits.
Pruitt also liked turning down the likes of Jaycee Horn to offer a JC CB that didn't start in HS because his name sounded like a country singer. Just an unbelievably bad talent evaluater.
Horn was committed to us under Butch and had flipped before Pruitt’s hire. I don’t think that one was on him.
Horn was committed to us under Butch and had flipped before Pruitt’s hire. I don’t think that one was on him.
Wrong. They may have flipped in the end anyway, but Poot didn't pursue Horn or Dean who signed with gators. Both were still committed when Poot took over.
Poot made no effort to keep Horn who was still willing to listen. Hey said "if he wasn't good enough for me at bama he's not good enough for me here". "Let's sign Kenny George cuz Diddy says he sounds like a country singer".
Poot made no effort to keep Horn who was still willing to listen. Hey said "if he wasn't good enough for me at bama he's not good enough for me here". "Let's sign Kenny George cuz Diddy says he sounds like a country singer".
Bama pursued him while he was DC so a very odd quote. Can you link that interview?
Poot could do no wrong. I get it.

I think it’s more people are just correcting you because you’re talking out your arse.

He decommitted before Pruitt was hired. After Pruitt was hired, he and Terry Fair both were trying to get him back. His thread is still on the forum and you can see the timeline. Our staff met with him in December and afterwards Horn said he had a good relationship with Pruitt and was getting to know Terry Fair but that Fairs resume of starting at UT as a freshman and ending up in the NFL spoke for itself. Said we (and Florida) were recruiting him the hardest. In the same interview he said he was going to take more visits and sign in February.

Unexpectedly, he signed with uscjr just six days later.

Pruitt sucked and we’re all glad he’s gone. Swallow your pride, admit you were wrong, and move on.

Edit: from his thread since you seem too lazy to check yourself:

Not sure if I have posted this or not but my absolute favorite Pruitt "Diddy" story...

After the Bama game last year Pruitt, Kesling and 3 or 4 staffers from football/Vol Network rush over to the studio to film the show right after the game and it was notoriously a terrible environment after wins or losses with Pruitt just trying to get it done.

But anyway, last year Pruitt and Kesling are sitting there during a commercial break (taped so the breaks can be as long or short as they want) after the Bama game and Pruitt’s phone rings. He says it’s his “diddy” so he has to answer. Answers and puts it on speaker in the middle of the studio.

His dad proceeds to absolutely rip him apart for being an embarrassment to the family, making him look bad as a father, saying they can’t show their face at home anymore etc. Just 30-45 second waves of verbal abuse one after the other and after every wave CJP would simply say “Yes sir, diddy” or “I’m sorry, diddy” or “I understand, diddy”

Conversation lasted about 5 minutes and Pruitt said about 20 words and was ripped apart like a 13 year old boy who had broken curfew or stolen from the offering plate or something. This is in front of Kesling and a handful of other stunned people.

Finally his dad says something like “You need to think long and hard about what you’re doing up there and get that **** fixed because you’re ruining 40 years of my hard work and reputation, you hear me?”

Pruitt says “Yes sir, diddy, I’m sorry.” Then his dad hangs up.

Pruitt turns off his phone and says “Alright, we ready to finish this **** up?” to Kesling like nothing ever happened
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'When Pruitt got here and was going over the DBs on the roster and commitment list the first weekend he was here he said to a recruiting staffer on Horn, “If he wasn’t good enough for us to offer at Bama, he ain’t good enough to play for me. Tell him unless he wants to play teams his whole career he needs to find somewhere else to play”
I think it’s more people are just correcting you because you’re talking out your arse.

He decommitted before Pruitt was hired. After Pruitt was hired, he and Terry Fair both were trying to get him back. His thread is still on the forum and you can see the timeline. Our staff met with him in December and afterwards Horn said he had a good relationship with Pruitt and was getting to know Terry Fair but that Fairs resume of starting at UT as a freshman and ending up in the NFL spoke for itself. Said we (and Florida) were recruiting him the hardest. In the same interview he said he was going to take more visits and sign in February.

Unexpectedly, he signed with uscjr just six days later.

Pruitt sucked and we’re all glad he’s gone. Swallow your pride, admit you were wrong, and move on.

Edit: from his thread since you seem too lazy to check yourself:

View attachment 408326
View attachment 408327
Muschamp convinced the Horn family that Poot wouldn't be here long and

Horn would be best served to take that Escalade full of CA$H and commit to SCjr
'When Pruitt got here and was going over the DBs on the roster and commitment list the first weekend he was here he said to a recruiting staffer on Horn, “If he wasn’t good enough for us to offer at Bama, he ain’t good enough to play for me. Tell him unless he wants to play teams his whole career he needs to find somewhere else to play”

What’s that quote from

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